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third person point of view

it was currently eleven at night, the eleven of them having had arrived at their airbnb around six in the evening. they started their vacation by pour up a few drinks and starting a fire, telling stories and roasting marshmallows.

though, the only people left crowded around the fire were now william, stephanie, mitch, sydney, and matt. the other six gone to their designated rooms, so william figured now was as good as anytime to bring up his thoughts.

"hey guys, i think something's going on with aspen." william chimed up.

"what do you mean?" steph asked, leaning forward in her seat to meet eyes with will, suddenly interested in the conversation now that aspen's name was involved.

"she's just been acting suspicious lately." william said, taking another sip of his beer. "i caught her sneaking out of our motel room last night and she didn't come back until hours later."

"and remember the post she made a couple weeks back?" sydney asked. "the one where she captioned it about a date."

"oh my god," steph said. "she's hooking up with someone! the obvious morning after picture and now the sneaking out in the middle of the night. it has to be the same guy, right?"

"that means it's one of the guys on this road trip then." mitch stated. "and it'd only make sense for it to be the same guy; that day was the morning after she met all the guys, and now three of those guys are here too."

"it's not the same guy." william said.

"what, why don't you think so?" mitch asked. "that would make perfect sense."

"i know it's not the same guy." he replied. "because i was-"

"ohmygOD!" steph exclaimed, jumping up from her spot. "you and aspen hooked up."

"oh, gross." mitch cringed.

"yeah, we did, but it was nothing more than that." william said. "so who do we think she was sneaking to meet up with?"

"well there's only three possible options; auston, kasperi or reilly." matt said.

"sorry but i'm still not over the fact that willy and aspen hooked up!?" mitch exclaimed.

"shut up mitch," william said. "let it go."

"anyway, the one that makes the most logical sense is kasperi, he had a room to himself last night while auston and morgan shared a room." steph pointed out.

"is my ship sailing??" mitch asked excitedly.


meanwhile, aspen was tiptoeing out of kasperi's room and making a run for it into her own before anyone could catch them red handed. once she was back in her room she made her way onto the balcony connected to the room, seeing steph, mitch, william, sydney and matt still sat around the fire.

"guys it's nearly two in the morning, you should go to bed." aspen called out, leaning on the railing. the five of them snapped their heads to her direction, all holding a look of shock and horror as if they got caught doing something bad. "...everything okay?"

"yeah, yeah." steph quickly answered, standing abruptly. "you're right though! i'm going to head to bed."

and with that, they all rushed into the rented house to go to their rooms aside from willam.

"i know," he spoke confidently before entering the house himself, leaving aspen looking at the yard in the confusion.

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