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aspen's point of view

"did it really look that obvious?" i asked, phone balancing between my shoulder and ear while i attempted to repack my bags.

"well i mean, don't get me wrong, you looked hot. but your hair was a mess and the make up was clearly worn over night," he laughed.

"well i'm glad you find it amusing, because my phone is blowing up from calls and texts from everyone!" i groaned, tossing some odds and ins into my bag.

"yeah well you're the one who said you were on a date, what exactly were you expecting to happen?" he asked.

"it was obviously a joke!" i exclaimed.

"but it came attached with a picture that pretty much screamed 'i got some last night'," he replied.

"you're no help, i'm hanging up now." with that i tossed my phone onto the bed.


as i placed the last shirt into my bag my phone started ringing, a picture of alyssa displayed across the screen.

i sighed before answering it, "hey lyssa."

"don't 'hey lyssa' me, aspen! you have been ignoring mine, and everyone else's, calls and texts all day. that's not okay." she lectured.

"you know why i didn't though, i don't need everyone asking questions about my last post." i said, rolling my bag out of my temporary room and into the living room.

"well maybe don't caption it with that and your friends wouldn't harass you about it. now spill," she replied.

"i didn't go on a date." i said.

"but.." she trailed, knowing there were was more to the story.

"i hooked up with someone, okay?" i rolled my eyes, snapping my head towards the door upon hearing thw rustle of keys.

"with w-"

"i've got to go, someone's at the door." i hung up just as kasperi walked through the door. "kasperi?"

"oh, hey aspen. willy here?" he asked before looking at my bags. "leaving already?"

"he went out to meet up with auston, something about a rematch or something." i replied. "and yeah, i need to head back home to reality sooner or later."

he nodded, "later would be better."

"do you want to stay for a quick lunch before i head out?" i asked, my stomach doing flips as i smiled nervously.

"yeah, sure why not?" he smiled back at me.

i turned around to cover up the fact that i was flustered, and began shuffling through william's fridge and cupboards. this should be interesting.

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