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❥┇ my horniness brought me here

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❥┇ my horniness brought me here. lets fucking do this.

❥┇ this is one of the dumbest chapters ever but i really dont fucking care bc this is self indulgent as hell. enjoy your jojo tiddies, underlings


1:17 pm.

[ enter chatroom ? ]

➣ yes.


[ loading chatroom . . . ]

[ chatroom sucessfully entered ! ]


[ y/n. ]
camie senpai

where are you 🥺

[ mina. ]
we do be waiting outside starbucks doe

[ izuku. ]
im here too fuck yea baby

[ camie. ]


[ y/n. ]

im buying all of yall drinks wtf u are all so sexy

[ camie. ]
its appreciated, sister 💅💞

i dont wanna walk in starbucks lookin like the mfing chad jonathan joestar so yall are gonna see tits when we get home

[ y/n. ]

i nutted at the word tits, wtf

[ mina. ]
can confirm shes basically clinging onto me and crying

[ izuku. ]
can also confirm

[ katsuki. ]
yall are fuckin WILDING

[ y/n. ]
we just wanna see tits 💔


"BUT CAN YOU BLAME ME, THOUGH?" you dramatically
sobbed, clinging onto mina
as if she was your lifeline.
"jojo men basically outweigh
all the other aspects in life."
the pinkskinned girl sighed,
nodding, "i can't disagree,
though," she replied, after
taking a sip out of the drink
you bought for her. "ever since
you started watching jojo, you
were never the same. i mean-"

"shut up, don't shame me!" you
complained, sticking your tongue
out at izuku, "you still haven't
thanked me for that drink, you
know." the boy raised a brow,
sipping at his drink, "you haven't
thanked my mom for her katsudon
last week."

"um, excuse you, yes i did!" you
scoffed, about to open your
mouth to retort, before getting
cut off by a loud, feminine voice,
"hey, fam! sorry to keep you all
waiting! traffic today was totes
impossible to get through," a
gasp escaped your lips, almost
falling off your chair to run
over to the older girl, "oh my
god! camie-senpai, thank
you so much for actually
coming!" you wrapped your
arms around her neck, "you're
too nice! what drink do you
want? it's on me!"

after a few minutes of standing
in line, you all finally went out,
heading towards izuku's house,
"i mean, it's the closest place here,
right?" mina mused, pressing her
index finger to her chin in thought.
you couldn't say a word, practically
vibrating at a frequency that would
shatter glass due to excitement. the
green haired boy flushed, "well, yeah,

"izuku, is your mom home?" you
finally spoke up, "do you think she would mind if you bought an entire
group of girls over to hang out in
your room?" he hummed in thought,
before replying, "well, since you're
with us, mom wouldn't mind."

you hummed, finally reaching
their apartment, deciding to let
izuku go first, "mom, are you-
oh, hi mom. i have a couple friends
over." he shuffled aside to reveal
all three of you standing in the
doorway. you could only imagine
how awkward it was for izuku
to be introducing a group of girls
to his mom, but it was a sacrifice
that needed to be made for salvation,
as well as tiddies.

"hi, mrs midoriya!" was your
cheery greeting, waltzing inside
while mina and camie said their
respective greetings. "please, call
me inko." you smiled at the older
woman, saying your pleasantries,
before practically zooming to where
izuku's room was, knowing this
place like it was the back of your

"alright, camie-senpai, do
the thing!" your eyes were
practically galaxies at this point
with how much it was sparkling,
with mina and you sitting on
the floor waiting for the older
girl to do her thing. izuku was by
the doorway just about to shut the
door, with his back turned, when he
jolted at the sound of you suddenly
letting out a high pitched squeal.

"oh my god, it's been my life
long dream to be embraced in
jonathan joestar's loving, beefy
arms!" you swooned, eyes closed
in absolute bliss as you buried
your face into jonathan's-camie's?
chest, with mina and izuku
chuckling at your antics.

"you do know that still is
camie-senpai, right?" the
boy mused, while you turned
your head to him, sticking your
tongue out, "yes, i do. if anything,
you're the one who's at a loss here.
you can't do this without being
called a pervert, but the only thing
i have to do is say 'no homo' and
keep my socks on!" mina laughed
at your observation, as you bent
your leg at the knee to flex your
thigh high socks, izuku shaking
his head. f in the chat for midoriya,
my boys.

"ooh, ooh, do joseph next! i wanna
hug him!"

"i'm on it, fam!"

"i wanna bury my face in jotaro
and kakyoin's boobies!"

"you have an absolutely big
brain. you're getting your request."


[ y/n. ]
we should do this more often

[ mina. ]

[ y/n. ]


[ camie. ]
youre absolutely welcome queen 👑

[ izuku. ]
today was a fucking trip and im here for it

𝐓𝐎𝐍𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐊𝐈  ✔  bnha reader insert chatroom .Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora