The Gun At Hand

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My phone rings. 
"I'm just gonna take this call," I say as I walk out of the room and into the hallway. It's Origami. "Hey, Origami,"
"Shido," She says from the other line. "let's go on a date."
"A DATE?!" I yell out. "Origami, you better be joking!"
"Take me on a date!" 
"Take me on a date!" She repeats.
"SHIDO'S NOT GOING ON A DATE WITH YOU!!" Tohka yells from the kitchen. She comes running towards me and snatches my phone from my hand. "SHIDO CAN GO ON DATES BUT JUST NOT WITH YOU!" She shouts into the phone... and she hangs up and hands me back my phone.
"Can't catch a break, not even on *yawn* weekends." I say, yawning. Kotori walks past me and starts heading out the door.
"I'll be on Fraxinus now; wear the headset, Shido." She says, leaving the house as she closes the door behind her. I take the headset out of my right pocket and put it on.
"It's crazy on how her personality changes so fast," I say to myself. "Kinda reminds me when Origami changed in this world."
"What're you talking about, Shido?" Tohka asks me.
"Nothing!" I say. Tohka would kill me for thinking about Origami. Actually, Tohka would kill me for thinking about any girl that's not her!
"Shido," Miku shouts from the kitchen. Me and Tohka walk in. "So what did you say earlier? You loved someone?"
"Th-that w-was an accident!" I say, feeling my face getting hot. I stare at the wall behind them. "Although... I can't stop thinking about her." I say. Dammit! I need to shut myself up!
"Is it... Kurumi?" Tohka asks with horror that's in her tone. 
I freeze up. Hell. "Are you afraid of Kurumi?" I ask her. "She helped me save you when you went inverse!"
"I'm not AFRAID of her!" Tohka quickly says.
"How about we all go on dates with Shido like we used to!" Yoshinon says. 
"Yes," Yoshino says. "That seems like a good idea."
"Agreement," Yuzuru says. "Let's go on more dates with Shido!"
"Going on dates with Darling again?" Miku exclaims. "Oh, yes! Hmm, but should you be Shiori or Shido?"
"W-wait!" I say. "D-dates now?!"
"Am I included?" Kotori's voice says through the headset.
"You gotta be kidding me," I reply to her.

What the-? Now everyone has a fearful look on their faces. 

"Kotori?" I mutter under my breath. "What's happening?"
"Shido," Kotori's voice says. She also sounds afraid. "l-look at what you're holding in your right h-hand!"

Fear flies through me now. I slowly lift up my right hand and... th-there's a damn gun! I'm holding a gun!! In shock, I drop the gun. It hits the floor. Wait a minute... this looks like... no it can't be! This doesn't make any sense!

It's Kurumi's gun!! The one she uses for her spirit powers!!

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