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Song Lan, Xiao Xingchen, Xueyang - they have a whole arc together so if you forget who they were... 

Jin Guangyao = Mengyao = lianfangzun - I remembered this dude as "dimple guy"...

Jin Guangshan - not too important, just know he's jin guangyao's dad. 

Mo Xuanyu - remember he's also Jin Guangshan's kid. 

Nie Mingjue = chifengzun - just remember him so that after he di- AHEM i mean, just remember that he existed for future purposes.

Su She - try to remember this dude is a betrayer of Lan sect. and he hates Lan Wangji so we must hate on him

Lan Xichen - Lan wangji's brother, ultimate Wangxian fan, yeah

Jin Ling - jiang yanli/shijie's kid, remembering that makes his existence sadder ok?

Lan Sizhui - he's a special kid...

Nie Huaisang - the really "dumb" dude with a fan

I don't think you need me to remind you to remember the main characters right..? lwj, wwx, jc, ye?

If you start to really hate the series or something and want to quit it... watch ep 32 :P

Me Ranting WITH spoilers:

Lol can I just say the songs... they are over-repeated XD. But I don't care cuz they are SO GOOD ahaha. 

The one that plays when Shijie/Jiang Yanli dies fits the scene so well and makes it so sad! 

Btw btw, that Wuji song! The first time we heard it was probably either hearing it from the ending song or when Wei Wuxian plays it on the leaf or something (lol I was like wtf at that) right? At that time, I was just half like, "Yeah a leaf is much more squeaky sounding than that but this is drama land whatev" and also like "wow this is a beautiful tune" and also like "so this is apparently their love song? dang it comment spoilers". Yeah I saw someone comment it and I was just like ;-;.

Which is why when I got to the part where Lan Zhan was humming it I felt no "holy AH wOw big FEEls ahHAfah" etc. My volume was pretty low at that time anyway lol, could barely hear it.

It also took me an embarrassing amount of time to realize the song WWX played was the end song...

Going back to Jiang Yanli/Shijie's death though. It really was kind of dumb. I know you care for your brothers and stuff, but why would you just risk your life and run into a battlefield? When you have a baby to care for too? I don't mind it too much though, cause she had to die for dramatic sadness causes (lol, we know every drama just gotta have that one scene- though this one has too much).

Seriously though, this drama is really different from others. Yeah, it's my first BL drama but eh, I still feel like it's different. The end DOES end with the main character. It DOES end with the big spooky boss being defeated. But most dramas don't do what they did.

Most dramas make it a personal problem with the main character or make it seem like ONLY the main character can fix it or make it seem like a ton of the problem is the main character, etc etc. What I mean is most dramas make the last problem have A LOT to do with the main character. This story?

It was more like a side story, accompanying the sad Xue Yang one. I didn't really find it appropriate to be the last problem. Honestly the whole Wei Ying snaps and becomes kinda evil that isn't evil scene felt more WOW than this one. Yeah, this one was sad, but I kept thinking "what does the main character have to do with this?"

I know Mengyao/Jin Guangyao was supposed to be the ultimate schemer of pretty much all of Wei Ying's problems, but I just didn't get that FINAL feeling. But it was still a good scene. Probably was just going with the book or something. 

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