Chapter 29

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Elizabeth's POV
"Join you? Have you gone more mad than you already are?" I asked lifting my seraph blade and he eyes it

"Kill me and your little boyfriend dies" he says and I let my eyes drift to Alec. When our eyes locked I could see the panic in his eyes as he struggled to get to me

Suddenly I was pulled into a hug as Valentine stroked my hair softly. "I thought I told you that you must listen to your father. When you don't you get punished" he says before I felt a seraph blade slicing through my stomach

"EL NO" Alec yells as I looked down in shock. "LIZ!" I heard Jace yell but then everything got muffled and I fell down feeling lightheaded as black dots crowded my vision

My eyes began drifting close as I saw Jace shaking his head pointing a seraph blade at Izzy and pointing a finger at Alec

"J-Jace" I coughed feeling blood rise in my throat as I watched him go through the portal with Valentine

The second Alec was released he ran to me looking at me frantically. "El look at me baby you're going to be okay. Everything will be just fine. You have to keep your eyes open"

His voice sounded so distant and I coughed up some more blood feeling it trail down my mouth and down the side of my face

"I love you" I whispered looking up as he took the seraph blade out running his stele over my iratze

My eyes closed after that and I fell into darkness
Alec's POV
"It's not working dammit it's not working!" I shouted looking back at El. "No no El open your eyes love please open your eyes" I say feeling tears brew in my eyes

Magnus places a hand on my shoulder. "Alexander allow me" he says and I nod giving him some space but not letting go of Elizabeth's hand

Izzy was clutching my other hand with tears streaming down her face while Clary stood there shocked at Jace leaving and Elizabeth bleeding out on the floor

"Come on biscuit" Magnus says sparks leaving his hand as he runs them over her wound. I let out a sigh of relief as it slowly began closing

"Alexander try the iratze now" Magnus says and I run my stele over it watching the wound close completely

There was still blood everywhere and El looked so pale. "She's going to be okay she just needs some rest" Magnus says pushing her hair out of her face

Simon was in the corner covering his mouth as he shut his tightly. "Guys I have to go the smell of the blood is making me" he trails off walking out but I still saw a glimpse of his fangs

"Magnus can you portal us back to the institute" I asked picking up El lightly. Her arm dangled off the side and she looked lifeless scaring the absolute shit out of me

"Yeah plus we need to wake up Jocelyn" He says opening the portal as we all walked through

Clary left with Magnus to see Jocelyn but I went to my room with Izzy following closely behind

"Here. Can you change her into this her clothes are soaked in blood" I said handing her one of my long sleeves that would be too big on El meaning it would be oversized

I went to the bathroom soaking a wash cloth before handing it to Izzy to clean up the blood. "I'll leave shout when your done" I said placing a soft kiss on Elizabeth's head before walking out sliding out the door

This day couldn't get worse. My Parabatai is gone and I can't feel him. The love of my life almost died and is still unconscious


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