Pretty Boy

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I walk out of my car and go to the back seat to grab my bag. As I turn around I feel a hand on my shoulder and am pushed to the ground causing me to scrap my knee. I hear 3 laughs behind me as I get myself up.  I see Olivia, Ava and Ryan standing there watching me. Great just what I need today. "Really" I say torwards Olivia. "What? You can't prove it was me. Try to be less clumsy." She says sarcasically. "Wow Olivia, what are you 5? Grow up." I hear behind me. Max is standing there giving her a death stare. "Whatever" olivia says softly. Max is Josie's boyfriend and basically the only guy to turn Olivia down. "Hia, Max" Ryan says in a seductive voice. Or as seductive as Ryan can be. Max ignores her and Olivia walks away snapping for Ryan and Ava to follow. Ryan blows a kiss torwards Max which I'm sure Josie saw. Shit, shes gonna be pissed I say to myself.

"You okay Abby." Max ask as he walks me to the rest of the group. "I'll be fine Max. Don't worry about me alright" I tell him giving him a slight smile to make it seem believable. Honestly my knee hurt like a bitch and I was already over the day. "If you say so" max gives me a slighy hug. Max is one of the few people Olivia doesn't act like a bitch around so whenever shes being rude to me or harmony he suddenly appears. She's probably nice around him because just about every guy in the school loves max and she thinks if he hates her the rest of them would to. I don't think guy hormones work that way but she's not the brightest. I meet Max my junior year. Josie had dragged me to a club that she'd be talking abour for weeks. I would much rather stay at home watching Disney movies and cuddling up with Henry. But Josie was worried about me never leaving the house and I was worried if something bad would happen with a 16 year old girl going to a club all by herself. Max was the led singer of the band that was playing that night, the Toxic Guitar. Kinda a weird name but hey who am I to judge. Max was on stage singing some song about purple liquor. I wasn't really paying attention honestly I was out of my comfort zone. But I noticed when Max made eye contact with Josie and she lit up like I had never seen before. The rest of the concert they watched each other like a baker watchs cookies in the oven. When max finally finished with his performance he began walkong straight torwards Josie. As he approached he looked as if he was trying to think of something clever to say. However, when he reached Josie without a second though she said "what's up pretty boy." They haven't really been without the other since. Its crazy to think that they have been together for a year now. I'm really glad she found someone perfect for her and he's always supported me and helped me out.

"Are you coming to Josie's house tonight" David ask. "Yeah of course."
"Okay good can you take me and Harmony there after school." He says while taking Harmony's hand into his. David became mine and Josie's friend after Tyler left. Tyler was his only friend back then and I couldn't sleep right knowing that he would be left without anyone to talk to. "Yeah I can take you guys." Harmony gave a small smile as we all filled into the school for our first class.

A/N I know this wasn't a long page but I'm still trying to develop a background to the charactets.

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