With her career pretty much solidified for long-term success, more of Anna was expected, and she believed she was prepared. If only her fiancé saw the same amount of potential within her that Harry did.

Whenever the weight of her obligations begins to wear her down, Harry is the first person she turns to for strength. Sometimes she doesn't have to reach out to him because he'll see her and just know that she isn't feeling well, and they'll walk for a little longer that night.

Norman didn't suspect a thing. He was either not home or when he was home, too tired to sense that Anna had left their bedroom. He hasn't touched her in weeks. Normally she'd be upset. In the beginning, she'd been furious, but now, it's something she'd like to remain for them, at least until she's sure that he hasn't laid with someone else or that her confounding feelings towards not wanting to sleep with her fiancé were resolved.


"Good afternoon Anna," Harry greets her when she enters the elevator one afternoon.

She's just come back from an early call-time and appeared worn out but content as she greets him with the same cheerful expression, "Hey Harry," she reaches into her purse and pulls out something wrapped in thin wax paper, "it's a bunch of finger sandwiches from craft services. I wasn't sure if you had a chance to eat during your break. I know you're not getting a free meal anymore because of the shortages," Anna says somewhat apologetically as she holds the package out to Harry.

"I'm not doing this because I pity you or anything, but I remember you saying you like the cucumber ones here so I made sure to get a lot of those for you. You can share the rest among your friends if you'd like."

"Thank you, lovie," Harry chuckles as he takes the sandwiches from her.

They're not alone in the elevator for much longer, as a second person joins them. Anna, still staring mindlessly at Harry, sees his expression twist into a smile. "James," he nods at the man who had entered the elevator, "aren't you supposed to be somewhere else right now?"

"I thought I'd pay my good friend a visit. I haven't seen much of you lately. Oh, Ms. Rose, what a pleasant surprise," The man, James, says.

Anna glances at Harry, then at James who she struggles to recognize. Though by him referring to James as his good friend she assumes Harry must have mentioned him before. Perhaps this is the other elevator operator Harry had once talked about; the figure in his stories was described as a carefree, free-spirited individual.

"James is the one I told you he thinks about you when he plays with himself," Harry suddenly says.

"Harry!" James cries out and glares at his 'friend,' while Anna struggles to keep herself composed as she looks at Harry with a confused yet amused expression. "Pardon me miss Rose, but I deeply apologize for the lies this one has told you about me," James says. She looks towards him and watches as he quickly leaves the elevator.

"Was any part of that true?" Anna asks Harry when the elevator doors close on them again.

"Which part?" Harry asks.

"Has he really... thought about me?" Anna asks him, her eyes burrowing into his own for a sliver of truth in his answer.

"Yes, but can you blame him?" Harry replies, that devilish grin of his returning as he reaches over her shoulder to press the seventeenth button.

"Do you think about me?" Anna asks.

"I wonder sometimes if you're having a better day than I am, especially when Sir Henry and his gestation poison the air in here," Harry says.

His response is admittedly disappointing, which leaves Anna unsettled with herself. Why did she want to hear Harry admit that she thinks of him when he plays with himself? He's just her friend, and friends don't have thoughts like these about the other. The elevator suddenly feels very hot, and Anna is more than glad to feel the light shining on her when the elevator doors open on the seventeenth floor.

"I'll see you tonight," Harry says, his innocent words, for a moment, flashing as pure filth in her mind as she nods slowly.

The next chapter will be posted Oct

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

The next chapter will be posted Oct. 4 at 3 pm EST 

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