Even though Ignis was glaring and wore a stern expression, Gladio still thought he was pretty but then he'd never seen an elf that wasn't. Again, he'd never admit to saying that- thinking it even. Grumbling and huffing, he shimmied out of the cupboard, cursing himself for trying to squeeze into such a small space and placing the plate into Ignis' waiting hand.

"Thank you. Do take care, we're due to take Noctis into the city later, he insists on visiting the new bakery."

Gladio grimaced at the thought of chaperoning Noct around town again. The kid doesn't stop running off and wanting to go in every single store they pass, meaning they're later than they should be getting back so he and Ignis take the fall for it. "Can I take one for the road then?" He asked, reaching for a tart only to have Ignis bat his hand away. "C'mon Ignis, please...? Pretty please? I can't face Noct all afternoon without sugar, please...?"

Ignis remained stoic. Watching Gladio all but beg with mild amusement. Alas, his resolve crumbled. "Fine. The next time I catch you stealing, I'll find a way to remove these accursed binds and seal your mouth shut." He threatened, dropping one of the treats into Gladio's hand. He probably should mention that Gladio's already late for his lesson but... Where's the fun in that?

"Wait- What time is it? Shit!" Gladio scoffed the treat, regretfully. He wanted to savour it but time waits for no man. Mutely waving to Ignis with a mouth full of pastry must have been a real sight to see. But he couldn't dwell on that now, his father was going to go mad. Or be as cold as Ignis. Both were equally as bad.

As he all but sprinted down to the training hall, many people frowned and scolded him for being careless, he narrowly missed colliding with someone turning a corner, too. Clarus glanced over at him, panting for breath as he dragged himself towards the center, ready to accept whatever punishment awaited him.

"You're late."

"'M sorry, got caught up."

Clarus scoffed in disbelief, muttering something about carelessness. He turned away from Gladio, seemingly inspecting the weapons rack. "I've told you countless times to stay away from that boy. Why is it you refuse to listen to me?"

Momentarily caught off guard, Gladio scowled at the floor. It's true, Clarus had repeatedly reprimanded him for talking to Ignis but the young shield couldn't bring himself to stop or care. He had to think carefully about his next words, but, as usual he threw caution to the wind.

"'Cause I don't see why I can't talk to him. He's a kid too, Noct gets to hang around with him so why can't I?" Gladio countered.

"The boy serves the Prince, there is no other option than to allow it. You on the other hand, should know better than to befriend the enemy. I do not dictate Prince Noctis' life or his relations, King Regis will do as he deems fit for him, I am responsible for you and making sure you're prepared." Clarus replied and Gladio flinched at the venom in his voice.

Inwardly cursing his recklessness and apparent death wish, Gladio squared his shoulders and stared directly at his father. "Well- putting Ignis into Noct's service means I have to talk to him, I work with him! If he's gonna be there when Noct's king then we gotta get along. Dad-"


"No! Listen to me!" Gladio interjected, wincing at the enraged look on Clarus' face. "I don't see why we have to be enemies! Ignis and Prompto- I heard what happened to the pixie village and it was horrible... We're the ones causing so much pain, not them. Damnit, y'know there's more than one type of fae? There's dark fae, too. They're the ones we should be fighting!"

"Enough, Gladiolus! I won't tolerate such foolish behaviour and childish thoughts. Did it ever occur to you that they may have lied?"

It hadn't actually. Gladio was inclined to believe Prompto's story from the get-go, but something told him it wasn't a lie, that it was the absolute truth. After all, what reason did he have to lie about such a thing? He wouldn't serve to gain from misleading Gladio, quite the opposite, the pair of them would be outcast from everyone including the one person willing to change.

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