Chapter 40: Twerk team

Start from the beginning

Oh and I think it’s safe to say that Archie was not too happy about losing the bet.

“Hey blue eyes,” I tickled Jess in my arms and she squirmed around, “your uncle is in very big trouble and it’s only because of you that I’m not going to kill him today.”

“Adrianna! You can’t say that to her, she’ll grow up thinking her Aunt is a crazy bitch.”

I looked at her with a raised eyebrow and snorted when her eyes widened at the realisation of what she said, “Jesus I’m the worst mother ever.”

I rolled my eyes, handing Jess back over to her, “Don’t worry, I’ll probably be worse.”

Her eyes narrowed in on me, “Speaking of babies…are you…you know…?”

I choked on air and stared at her wide eyed, “No what the hell!? We’re not, I’m not – I mean why would you say that?”

“Well because you’ve been very emotional lately and I’ve just picked up on the signs you know…and you Archie aren’t exactly virgins so I thought there might be a possibility.”

I looked down at my stomach, “Do I look fat? Oh my god I look fat don’t I!”

Her eyes widened as she saw the tears forming in my eyes, “Adrianna!” she choked on a laugh, “See you’re doing it again and no, you don’t look fat. Here just take the damn test; I brought it just in case.”

I looked at her outstretched hand that was filled with packets of tests and I narrowed my eyes at them, I had nothing to hide – I wasn’t pregnant and if a simple test was what I had to do to prove It then I would take it to shut her up. Grumbling I looked at the clock to make sure I had enough time and then snatched the tests out of Belle’s hand, ignoring the triumph look on her face as I stomped my way to the small bathroom.


“You look beautiful Addy; he’s going to be blown away.” Belle sniffed next to me, as we both stared at my reflection in the mirror.

And for once I completely agreed with her, the white material that covered my body till it reached the ground was mesmerizing and I couldn’t take my eyes off the beautiful lace. My back showed my tanned skin as it was left backless with just a thin line of lace flowers travelling up shoulder blades and down to my front were a sweet-heart neckline rested above my breasts. The white material was fitted until it came to my hips and it loosened, flowing out to the ground.

My hair – that my best friend insisted she do, was up in an elegant little bun and a few strands of hair just rested loosely on my face. My make-up was done professionally as was Belle’s, Mercedes and my mothers.  It was my first – well second, and only wedding and I decided that I was going to go all out.

“And sugar, if he aint’ blown away then I’ll happily take him for myself!” Mercedes called out from the little mini bar behind the mirror. I stifled a laugh at the thought of Archie and Mercedes being together, he would have a field day and to be honest, I don’t think he would be able to handle her.  I thought, as I watched the said girl shove a donut into her mouth then gulp down her glass of champagne.

A knock at the door all startled us, “I don’t why you’re marrying my son sweetie, but it must because of his good looks because lord knows it’s not because of his brains. The idiot doesn’t have any.” Katerina Mason walked in shaking her head with a frustrated look on her face.

“Don’t worry he won’t be getting off easily for this, I guarantee you.” I grinned at my future mother in law.

She smiled at me and then scanned over my dress, her lips pulling up into a big grin before running over to me and giving me a big watery hug, “He’s finally here beautiful girl, time to go start your new life with my stupid boy,” she whispered.

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