Heart Break

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A Year later

It has been about a month sense you had seen Wolffe. You were in an apartment that you owned in Coruscant. You stood looking out a window over the beautiful city.

After few minutes Wolffe finally showed up.

"Wolffe" you cried as you ran into his arms

"I missed you" you rapped your arms around him and burring your face into his chest.

It kinda hurt cause he had his armor oh but you didn't care.

Wolffe put his hands on the upper part of your arms almost to the shoulder and pulled you away from him. He looked at you with sad eyes.

"Y/N" he said quietly looking away from you

"Wolffe..what's wrong?" You asked

"I love you" he said quietly looking at you again.

"I love you to" you leaned in to kiss him but he pulled away from you.

"I love you so much that it's killing me to do this to you" Wolffe said

"W..what do you mean?" You were trying to hold back tears.

"I'm breaking up with you" he said turning around we he wasn't facing you.

"I don't understand...why? Why are you breaking up with me. Whatever it is we can figure it out..together" You said as you walked closer to him

He tensed up and turned around so he was facing you again.

"I..I have to focus on the war right now y/n"

You were quite but you knew he had to do this. You knew it was hard for him to love you and fight a war at the same time.

You put your hands on his face.

"I understand" you said quietly as a tear went down your face.

"But Wolffe after the war.." you looked down

"After the war we can be together" he smiled

You kissed him slowly and he kissed you back.  He held you in his arms for a bit and then left.

You didn't really know what to do after that. You guys had been through so much together over the year and you has no idea what the future has in stored.

You still helped with the republic but every time you saw him it hurt you. After a few months you and Wolffe completely stoped talking. You still loved him and though about him all the time.

You knew over time things would get better but you would never stop loving him.

You stoped fighting in the wars and began helping the Senators more. It was nice cause you didn't have to see Wolffe as much but it still hurt that you didn't get to see him.

You helped padme and became good friends with her but over the nexts three months you realized you needed to have time to your self.

So you left the republic, Coruscant and the life you had know.

You decided to move to Tatooine. Yes it was a dry sandy dessert but you wanted to explore the galaxy. After month of living there you moved to Naboo. You decided to stay there.

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