"Yes. Yes, he was," Henry submissively nodded, clearly taking in everything she was and mimicking it like a parrot. But that was what she wanted to happen, what she needed to happen."

"I was your favorite niece, your only niece. Before your son, you wanted to name me your heir, didn't you, Uncle Henry?" She questioned, despite it being a lie, "Don't you remember?"

Henry nodded, causing Nora to smile in satisfaction.

"There are bad people coming to take your throne. Your wife has turned into a bad woman as well. Lord Warwick, the man who is to be your top advisor, he is evil as well. He killed your brother, your favorite brother. He will tell you to do things, but you will not listen. He is a bad man and you cannot surround yourself with bad men. You must surround yourself with family. People like me. I am your family. The only family you have left."

"You are the only family I have left," Henry repeated without hesitation.

"What is my name?" Nora asked and Henry seemed to not know, "My name is Nora. Nora of Lancaster. I am your niece. I am the Rightful Princess of Wales and your heir. What is my name?"

"Your name is Nora of Lancaster, my niece. You are the rightful princess of Wales and my heir," He stated and Nora smiled in satisfaction.

"When the time comes for you to sit on the throne, you will be crowned. When the crown is placed on your head and they say 'Long Live King Henry', you will stand up. You will say, 'I hereby name Nora of Lancaster my successor and rightful Princess of Wales," She continued on to explain, "What will you say after they shout your name, Uncle Henry?"

"I hereby name Nora of Lancaster my successor and rightful Princess of Wales," He mimicked her and Nora grabbed him by the hands once more, guiding him in standing up.

"Who am I?"

"You are Nora of Lancaster. You are my niece. You are the rightful heir to the throne and Princess of Wales," He explained and Nora continued to smile happily.

"Who is Lord Warwick?"

"He is my top advisor. He is a bad man. He killed my brother. My favorite brother. I cannot trust him."

"Who can you trust?"

"My niece. Nora of Lancaster. She is the rightful heir to the throne and Princess of Wales. She is my family. Family is the only people I can trust."

"Where is Nora of Lancaster?"

"You are Nora of Lancaster."

"Yes, I am. I am Nora of Lancaster, rightful heir to the throne and Princess of Wales. Who am I to you?"

"My niece. My favorite brother's daughter."

"Where is your brother?"

"He was killed by the bad man Lord Warwick."

"Who is Margaret of Anjou?"

"She is my wife, but she is bad now. I can't trust her. I can only trust you, Nora of Lancaster, rightful heir to the throne and Princess of Wales."

"What will you do when you are officially crowned King, Uncle Henry?" Nora asked, looking up at the man with a smile on her face.

"I will stand up from my throne and say I hereby name Nora of Lancaster my successor and Princess of Wales."

"Good," Nora nodded, smirking in satisfaction, "Bad men want to kill me, Uncle Henry, but you will not let them, will you?"

"I will not let the bad men kill you."

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