31 | I'm Alive but I'm Slowly Dying Inside. Day by Day.

Start from the beginning

The girl that I had met the bar earlier this week ended up coming back home with me to the outhouse. After leaving my uncles house not being able to bare the scene of Lauren being with my uncle. I went straight towards the bar, where I had met her prior. Her name was Serene and she had just arrived from Los Angeles, not looking for anything serious. I as walking from the kitchen, with two glasses and a decanter of whiskey in another. When she stood and roamed around the living room, looking around and about, until she spotted me and began walking my direction. "This house is really nice." She said tracing her finger long the leather of the sofa. "Way better than some apartment in the city." She said, leaving her purse in the sofa itself.
"It's good that you like it."I said to her as I set the glasses down on the dinner table. "Because you're the guest of honor tonight." I said to her as she paced around on her heels that sounded with ever click.
"You leave here alone?" She questioned, as I poured the whiskey into the glasses.
"I do." I said to her.
"Or is this more like your bachelor pad." She said appearing behind me and wrapping her arms around my neck.
I turned around to hand her one of the glasses. "You really don't know who I am?" I questioned her.
"I just came from LA, a few days go baby." She said. "I only have a few friends in Miami." She admitted. "Don't tell me you're some famous hotshot, and its weird that I don't know who you are?" She said pulling on my tie.
"You want to see the master bedroom?" I questioned her.
She let out a breathless laugh. "You're that eager to get me into bed?" She said as she ran her fingers behind to my neck.
"Yes." I bluntly admitted.
She smiled. "Hold it right there baby." She added.
"You know exactly why you're here." I said to her.
She sighed and walked away from me towards the sofa. "Yes I know." She said. "But that doesn't mean I wanna do it all in one quickie." She smiled.
I nodded my head in agreement to that and followed her towards the sofa as well as she sat down. "Tell me." She said taking a sip from the glass and seating it down on the table. "You got a girlfriend? Wife?" She questioned as I followed her and sat beside her setting my glass on the table as well.
I sighed. "You want to know the truth?" I pressed, and she lifted her shoulders carelessly. "Ok." I said. "I'll tell you." I told her. "I'll tell you everything." I said leaning towards her as I cupped her cheek and pressed her mouth against mine. She did oppose and wrapped her arms around my neck pulling me in towards her as she pulled on my blazer to take it off of me, as our mouths moved against each others with hunger for more.
We stood up and I ran my fingers through her hair and turned her around so her back was against my torso as I kissed her shoulder and began to unzip her dress and pull down her bra straps. As we both fell onto the sofa in a full heated make out session. I wanted to forget about everything tonight. Absolutely everything. The party. My uncle. Lauren. Especially Lauren.
The next morning I woke of to the voice of Serene walking into the bedroom with the click of her heels. I sat up on the bed and realized that she had made a tray of breakfast for the both of us. "Good morning." She said. "What's wrong?" She questioned setting the tray down on the coffee table. "Did I scare you?" She said.
"I thought you had already left." I stated.
"Well I would have, but how could I?" She said sitting down at the end of the bed. "I left my car at the club and came home with you remember?" She added.
I sighed and leaned back, cupping my forehead. "You're right." I told her. "Sorry, I'll take you in a little bit." I said to Serene.
"Don't worry." She said. "I'm not in a hurry, I can spend all day with you if you'd like." She said with a smile.
I glanced at Serene up and down her hourglass figure, who was standing there in nothing but her bra and panties. "I would but I put my dress to wash if you don't mind." She said. "It smelled like club smoke." She added.
"That's fine." I said propping myself up on my elbows. "Then why don't you grab a shirt from my closet?" I pointed.
She sighed and walked her way towards it before she turned around. "What is you're obsession with seeing me all covered up?" She questioned my motives. "Does it really bother you seeing me naked like this?"
"Please?" I begged, she said nothing more and continued towards my closet to reach for a shirt.

Lauren Jauregui

The next morning I woke up around nine o' clock While the house was still sleeping. I hurried and put on some clothes. I wanted to lots of things today that didn't involved the presence of anyone. I wanted to be alone for a change, to clear my head of things that were cluding my thoughts the more and more I stay in this house with the people I felt did not let me comfortably breath peacefully.
Last night, I felt trapped and asphyxiated just being at party that I wanted no part of. To smile at people I didn't even know, and hold up a front towards the man that was my husband but I no longer loved. I grabbed a purse and my iPhone along with my wallet and shoved it all in the purse. I had a taxi on call that would arrive any minute now. I hurried my way down the stairs, careful not to wake any one from upstairs. As I was quiet enough to walk passed the house maids who were downstairs already getting the day started for the rest of us.
Once I reached the front door of the house, I walked outside and noticed that the taxi was pulling up the driveway and around the roundabout of the house. I hurried down the steps and stepped into the taxi. "Good morning ma'am." He said. "Where to?" He questioned.
"Good morning." I said to the elderly man. "To a floral shop and then to Shepard's Hill Cemetery." I said. That is where my father was buried since his death.
The taxi man drops me off at the cemetery, I step out with my bouquet of roses. While I reach into my wallet to pay the kind man. Once I do I shut the door behind me as the taxi drive off. Leaving me alone in the cemetery as the wind blows through my long strains of black hair, and the sun hits my face. It is weird to find such a calm feeling among the dead. I put on my sunglasses to shield my eyes from the suns rays, as I walk among the gravestones until I come across my fathers.
I lean down and realize that there is a fresh bouquet probably from my sister, because my mother would never come here. Her conscious wouldn't let her. I lean down as set them against his gravestone. "Hi papi [daddy]." I whisper and I can't help but to break down in tears once my hand skims across the concrete. "I wish you were here to guide me and tell me what to do because I just don't know what I'm doing anymore." I admit to myself especially.
I take my sunglasses off and away from my face, and wipe my tears from my face. "I thought I could do this you know? I thought I could easily just fake these feelings for a man I don't love." I explain to head stone , but I know my father hears me. "Never in my mind would I have thought of a plan like this, but I was married to a man with money out of my mothers will, she practically sold me off." I explain. "When Sofia looks at me all she sees is dollar signs all over my face, she doesn't care about me, what kind of mother does that?" I cry. "Everything went down hill when you died daddy." I cry into my hands. "I feel so alone and I have felt so alone since you left." I close my eyes. "I feel like I am goin crazy, like my life isn't mine and it's just slipping away from me." I say. "I've become numb to public interaction, affection for my own and others. I drink more than I'm used to, daddy I'm alive but I'm slowly dying inside. Day by day." I sniffle.

Zayn Malik

Once I finished the breakfast that was brought my Serene this morning I get up to take a quick shower. I quickly do so and find my clothes to get dressed. I hurry on, to get Serene dressed and out of the house and back to the club. I walk out of the bedroom and make my way towards the living room, as I button down my shirt for today, when I look up I see that Lauren stands in the living room with a smile on her face. My eyes widen and my hands go up in awe of her surprise arrival.
"Lauren." I say not really knowing what else to say really.
"Good morning Zayn." She says.
"Uhm." I say taking steps further into the living room. "What are you doing here?" I question.
She chuckles slightly, dropping her bag onto the sofa and making her way towards me. "Well you know what they say..."
"Hey Zayn, this looks super cute on me-..." I hear Serene's voice behind me followed by the click of her heels and Lauren is taken back with widen eyes.

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