Chapter two

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"Zayn. What hapened?"
Harry asked concerned about him. He ran his soft fingers trough Zayn's hair while the smaller boy continued sobbing into his chest. He loved this feeling. His painted nails were playing around in Zayn's scalp. Harry's other hand was wrapped around Zayn's fit little waist. It was painful watching the love of your life so broken. The two boys stood there in each other's arms for a couple of minutes. Harry enjoyed the touch. He melted into it not realising how long time they were just standing there. He hoped Zayn felt the same considering he hadn't said anything.

Zayn just shook his head catching his breath. Harry lifted him up and carried him upstairs into his room. It was really dark in it but Harry decided to leave it that way. He remembered Zayn once told him he likes it that way. He sat Zayn down on his bed and then sat next to him.

"Tell me what's wrong" The curly haired boy said quietly.

"Please don't be mad at me"

"Why would I be mad?" Harry smiled a little.

"Just promise!" Zayn said on the verge of tears again.

"Okay okay I promise!"

"Pinkie promise?" Zayn asked in a sweet childish tone and looked at Harry with his big hazel eyes.

God in that moment he reminded Harry of their dating days. It felt like they were still dating right now. He was so sweet and innocent ... most of the time. That was problem about Zayn. As soon as he stepped into Harry's house Harry felt like they were dating again.

Harry sighed and stuck out his pinky: "Pinkie promise".

"I ... I just can't live without you anymore" Zayn said really quietly. He was embarassed. He was the one responsible for them to split up and now here he was. Crying his eyes out because he missed Harry so much. A tear popped out of his eye again and his hands were trembling really bad.

Harry's breath was taken away. He really heard the thing that he heard. It was like porn for his ears.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that" he said and turned away so Harry wouldn't see him crying again.

"Ba- Zayn. I'm not angry. Why would I be. I appreciate that you told me this. " Harry almost said baby. Idiot! Harry thought to himself. He did mean the words he spoke to Zayn. He really hoped his wishes would come true. That they would get back together.

"But ... I'm being so unreasonable. I'm the one that got us split up back then and now I come back crying to you that I can't live without you. I'm so so sorry Harry. You were nothing but respectful and nice to me. You really did treat me like a princess and I just went and threw it all away ... " Zayn broke back into tears saying this.

"Oohh Zayn" Harry trailed off softly. He rubbed Zayn's back gently.

"It wasn't yout fault. It takes two to ruin the realtionship. And besides, I understand your actions now. You were deep in crap back then. I mean you were diagnosed with depression. Of course I let you go if it meant it would make you happier" Harry spoke in a very gentle tone still rubbing Zayn's back.

"I'm sorry" Zayn said peacefully this time. Tears were still rolling down his cheeks uncontrolably.

"For the last time. I forgive you" Harry said. His heart was beating so fast inside him he was sure he was about to die because of excitement. He reached for a tissue on the nightstand and wiped tears of Zayn's face.

"But I still believe we have a lot of talking to do before we get back together ... "
The taller boy said quietly. He didn't like what he was saying, but it was the only right thing to do. He didn't want any of them to get even more hurt.

Zayn nodded understandingly. He sniffed a little. He leaned his head on Harry's shoulder trying to find comfort.

Harry seeing this quickly changed his mind.
"So ... you know ... we should start talking ... *clears throat*"

"Yeah" Zayn said quietly with a little happy smile on his plump lips.

"So ... what made you change your mind about us?" Harry asked crossing his arm on his chest.

"I just ... I had enough life without you ... I couldn't go on".

"I understand ... "

"I am so sorry for hurting you back then. I had no right to do this to you. You were the best" Zayn started crying again.

"Come on I knew what kind of shit you were going trough back then. I'm okay now" Harry said and pulled Zayn into his lap. Just like they were both used to. hHarry was really happy that moment. The prayings from all those years came true. His babyboy came back to him.

"You're still the best" Zayn said.

"Well only the best can get the best" Harry smiled eyeing Zayn.

"I think you should get some sleep now. Should I drop you off at your house?" Harry asked hurt that he had to say this. He wanted Zayn to stay with him.

Zayn nodded quietly. Just as hurt as Harry was he had to go already. Harry began standing up when he got a notification on his phone. He opened his phone and saw the news.

Every moving in public areas is strictly forbidden!


He showed the news to Zayn and said:
"Guess you're stuck with me for some time"

Zayn smiled at him.

That damned smile.

"So uhh ... should I go to sleep on your sofa ... or?"

"No you know what ... " Harry said scratching his head. "You can sleep in my bed ... you know ... with me in it"

Zayn smiled. "I'd like that. But-"

"Oh I don't like buts" Harry complained.

"I don't think we're ready yet ... I mean Harry I came what ... like an hour ago. We can't just hop right back into our realtionship" Zayn said looking at Harry.

Harry sighed. "I know ... "
"I'm gonna make you a bed"


Harry let himself out of the room and made Zayn a comfortable bed in room next to his.


"Alright. I'm all done"

Zayn came really close to Harry. He was almost touching Harry's chest.

"Thank you" He smiled up to Harry.

Harry smiled down at him and wrapped his hands around him for a quick moment.
Realising what he was doing he pulled away and they both said good nights.

Zayn walked into the guest room and tried to sleep.

Harry did the same. But niether of them managed to sleep with their soulmate in the next room.

I'm sorry this one is kinda shitty. But now the story has only started so I promise the next part will be better because they'll start building on their relatinship again and being kinda flirty.
See you soon♡.

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