𝖝𝖎𝖎. 𝖌𝖊𝖔𝖗𝖌𝖊'𝖘 𝖕𝖑𝖆𝖓

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george's plan.

TAINTED BLOOD!george's plan

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        WHILE THEY'D ONLY RECENTLY ANNOUNCED THE EVENT, ALL THAT EVERYONE WAS TALKING ABOUT WAS THE YULE BALL. No matter where one went, they either walked by a group of giggling witches and nervous wizards or witnessed an invitation of sorts.

Finding a date seemed to be an easy affair for some, but a daunting task for others. In regards to the 'dates' struggle, Gryffindor's troublesome sixth-year students were not an exception.

"Merlin's beard! Is our Reed smiling?" George exclaimed as soon as the boy in question had shut the bedroom door behind him, his teasing tone not going unnoticed by the other occupants of the sleeping quarters.

"He sure as hell is! Who's the lucky witch or wizard?" Fred chimed in, wiggling his brows and smirking at the now-seated boy.

"She's a third-year –"

"A third-year?!" The Weasley twins and Lee Jordan chorused, all of them shocked by their friend's revelation.

Reed Shacklebolt merely rolled his eyes, for he'd expected his friends to react in such a manner. "Her name is Luna Lovegood, and don't you even try to make fun of her." The raven-haired boy added, pointing an accusatory finger at Lee, who raised his hands in surrender. "I like her, I really do."

"We solemnly swear to behave ourselves," George announced dramatically by placing both hands on his chest.

"Yeah, that'll be the day." Reed chortled, his laughter slowly subduing as a grin tugged at his lips. "What about you, Fred? Are you finally gonna ask Alexandra to the ball?"

Fred Weasley almost fell from his bed, his previously amused expression now nowhere to be seen, a shocked one in its stead. There it was again, this odd sensation of his stomach tightening into knots as his hands suddenly grew clammy. Fred had always been a confident wizard, so much that not even his first Quidditch game had riddled him with nerves. However, as he attempted to collect himself and answer to his friend, he couldn't help but stammer out. "What? I – why – I mean, why would I even ask her?"

Amused by his friend's reaction, Lee Jordan chose not to answer the boy, turning to his twin instead. "Merlin, George, is Fred stammering?" Lee gasped, feigning shock.

George didn't bother hiding his teasing smirk. "Sounds like stammering to me." He affirmed amusingly upon noticing Fred's reddened cheeks.

Having crossed his arms against his chest, Fred allowed his gaze to fall onto each one of his friends, his stance a stark contrast to his flushed cheeks. "I am not stuttering." He insisted, attempting to defend himself. "Why would I even stutter?"

It didn't come as a surprise that the hopeless romantic of the four was the one who addressed Fred's query. "Maybe because of a certain white-haired witch with heterochromia?" Reed countered, causing both Lee and George to nod along.

TAINTED BLOOD ━ FRED WEASLEY ( editing )Where stories live. Discover now