“S-so what do i do first?” I stutter out.

“We are doing Math first” He patted the spot next to him on the floor. Slowly i walked to where he was sitting and sat next to him. After getting situated we both began our work.


“Hey Aurora?” I heard Alex trying to get my attention.

“Yeah?” I murmured.

“Are we going to tell our families?” He asked.

“Tell our families about what?” I was still trying to figure out a problem.

“About us, you and me.” He stated.

“You and me what?” I still wasn't fully catching on. Slowly he reached over and closed my book causing me to look up.

“About us dating Aurora” He chuckled.

“Oh! That, yeah… i mean why not?” I nervously chuckled back.

“Really?” He asked excitedly.

“Yes really.” I laughed at him.

“So we can tell them when the girls get back?” He questioned.

“S-sure” My nerves skyrocket.

“Hey they love you Aurora, don't worry about them.” He leaned over and kissed my forehead.

“Ok… alright i'm going to get back to work” I sighed trying to relax and began on my work again.


“We’re back!” Dani yelled as we walked into the house.

“I know you girls just got back from an exciting day of filming but there are 5 people in this house doing their school work at the moment so id appreciate it greatly if you would lower your voice. Also Lauren, Dani now that you guys are done go do your schoolwork.” Mom ordered the younger ones around.

“Wait… 5 people? Alex, Nick, Christian, Joey… that's only 4. Mom are you sure you aren't the one who has to do some school work?” I joked/figured.

“You forgot Aurora” She chuckled, rolling her eyes.

“Aurora’s here!?” Lauren smiled.

“Yeah… she started schooling today…” Mom raised her eyebrow at us. All of us shared a look before rushing up the stairs.

“Aurora!” We all called out as we climbed up the stairs, as soon as we reach the top her head pops out of the office.

“Yeah?” She awkwardly smiles.

“You got some splainin to do” Dani tries to act tough.

“I do huh?” Aurora bits her lip obviously trying to keep herself from laughing.

“Yeah…” I began saying but stopped when i heard rustling coming from behind her. “Aurora?” I raise my eyebrow.

“Yes Lisa?” She turns her attention from Dani to me.

“Who’s in there with you?” I ask. She almost instantly turns bright red.

“Its just Alex… ow!” She turns around and glares, at who i am guessing to be Alex. She then began whispering with Alex and even though we were standing close we still couldn't hear them.

“Guys, we're still here you know” Katherine dragged their attention to us.

“Alex and i have something to share with you.” Aurora states.

“Well can we move this in the room, its cramped out here.” Christina complains. Aurora fully opens the door and we all pile into the office.

“Ok so what do you need to tell us?” Amy asks as we gather around. Aurora gives Alex a pointed glare.

“Aurora and I… well we are dating… as in girlfriend and boyfriend.” Alex tells us. After a second of silence i stand up.

“YES I KNEW IT!” I dance around. The rest of my sisters get up and congratulate them and smile, obviously happy about the match up.


I wrote this in my 4th hour class…

QotU: What's the longest you've ever grown your hair?

My Answer: All most to my bum... and i was 5'1...

Quote of the Update: “Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change” - Stephen Hawking

Anyways, have a good week! Until next time.


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