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We started walking towards my apartment. The warm wind was blowing and the smell of the recent fresh rain was still lingering in the air. We didn't speak. Klaus walked next to me but he kept a distance. I was confused. Had I misread the signs? Was he just being polite walking me home? I was uncomfortable and desperately tried to think of something to say.

"So," I started.

His head turned sharply to me and I was caught off guard by the look in his eyes. It was... I don't know. In that moment he looked like a tiger or a lion. It sounds ridiculous but he looked ready to pounce. I was about to take a step back when I realized he wasn't looking at me but at something behind me. I started to turn around when I felt a sharp pain on my head. I fell to the floor, my hands catching my fall. My vision was blurry but I tried to look up.

What I saw I can only attribute to a probable concussion. Klaus was standing over me, protectively, facing five guys who were all growling like animals. I couldn't really see well but it looked like their teeth were somehow sharpened. Vampire. The word entered my mind suddenly and I shook my head as though to berate myself for that ridiculous thought. I mean that couldn't be, right?

The five guys all started charging at Klaus. I closed my eyes. Yes, Klaus looked strong but there was no way he could fight off all these men at once. I braved myself for what was surely about to come. But it didn't. I heard fighting sounds. Men grunting and screaming and the snapping of bones. This was impossible! I opened my eyes and was sure I was hallucinating. Klaus was in the middle fighting off three guys. Two were lying on the ground, their heads twisted at impossible angles. How was he doing this? I watched incredulously as he moved with grace, dodging the hits from the men. He looked like a god. But something wasn't right. I couldn't figure it out. He held one mans head in both his hands and looked as though he was about to kiss him when he suddenly jerked his head to the side letting the limp body fall to the floor. One of the men used this as a distraction and attacked Klaus from behind but he turned swiftly and - fucking bit the man in the throat! I gasped. He bit him!

Suddenly I felt a hand tugging at my arm. It was the last attacker. He had let his friends distract Klaus and gotten close to me. I had been so busy staring at Klaus I hadn't even heard him.

"Klaus!" I screamed. The man hit me against the head again and I almost blacked out.

In an instant Klaus was beside me and just ripped the man off me and threw him against a wall. I crumpled to the floor. Klaus walked over to the man lying in the rubble of the wall he had just hit. He walked slowly, menacingly like an animal on the prowl. The man tried to get up but Klaus was suddenly at his side. My brain tried to tell me something but my mind was so foggy I couldn't think straight.

Klaus pinned the man against the wall.

"Why are you here?" His voice that had been so smooth and sexy moments ago had transformed to a raspy growl. "What do you want from me?"

"What the fuck are you talking about?" The man was hysterical now, "I don't even know who you are. I'm here for her!"

Her. Oh my god. Did he mean me? Why? Who would send five men after me? I'm a goddamn Lit student.

Klaus seemed surprised as well.

"What do you want with her?"

The man didn't answer. He was squirming now trying to get out of Klaus' grip.

"Answer me!" His voice was like a storm.

A loud bang interrupted the scene. A gunshot. The man crumpled against Klaus' grip. He turned sharply to the roof where a shadow was just disappearing. Klaus stopped. He looked like he was considering. I couldn't hold on any longer. Black spots started appearing in my vision. It was all I could do to whisper his name. He was by my side in a flash. He cupped my face in his hands that were wet from blood. With my last strength I looked in his face- and nearly froze. His eyes. They were gleaming amber. They didn't look human. And those piercing eyes were almost enough to distract me from the blood around his mouth- and the fangs he was bearing. Suddenly I realized what my brain had been trying to tell me. What was so strange about the fight and Klaus' movements. They were way too fast. At least for a human.

"Don't worry, love," his voice was soft again, "no ones gonna hurt you."

I was terrified. What the hell was he? My brain tried to tell me I was hallucinating. I must be. But here he was. Right in front of me. A vampire. Again that word. But this time I couldn't shake it off.

"Vampire," I whispered. The black spots at the corner of my vision started expanding. His eyes were slowly losing the amber glow and going back to their deep shade of blue.

He smiled, the fangs were gone.

"Let's just get you to bed. We'll worry about the rest later."

He picked up my limp body. My head was resting against his chest. I could hear his heartbeat. Wait- a heartbeat. My brain tried to process everything, every clue but the fog took over. The last thing I remembered as the blackness took over were the words he whispered against my forehead.

"You're Safe with me."

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