23. Meeting

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*Jaemin's P.O.V*

It was around 7:30 when I got home, I parked in the drive way and walked to the front door.

There was a man standing right in front of the door, he looked like he was contemplating whether to knock or not.

"Excuse me sir who are you" The man whipped his head around and looked at me awkwardly

"Are you Jaemin" I nodded and he breathed in deeply before he replied saying

"I think I'm your father"

"Your kidding right" I didn't believe this man, mainly because who's going to believe some random dude standing on there porch claiming they're there father.

"If you don't mind I need to get to the front door so can you please move" He moved to the side and let me unlock the door, I walked in and closed the door on him. My mum was sitting on the couch so I told her about the man, her face went pale and she ran to the front door to see if he was still there, sadly he was.

She opened the door and when she saw him I saw the biggest smile come to her face, I haven't seen her smile like that in ages "Hi daring" He said to her, she ran up and hugged him. I am literally so kunfused at this point

"Mum do you know this guy" She pulled away from the hug and walked up to me and put her hands on my shoulders

"Honey this is your father" Oh so he wasn't lying, that's embarrassing

"So he was telling the truth" She nodded.

"Okay then nice to meet you but I'm gonna go to my room and let you guys talk" I walked away, I never really wanted to meet my biological father when I found out who he was, mainly because I don't need him in my life.

My mum ran after me "Jaemin please give him a chance" I scoffed

"So what as soon as he comes back into your life it's like whatever happened to you since you guys were together has disappeared" A frown appeared on her face

"Jaemin he was never the bad guy"

"Fine I'll talk to him but let me change first mum" She chuckled, 

"You promise you're not going anywhere" I nodded and she kissed my forehead, I watched her walk away and talk to him

'I hope he treats her right' I thought to myself while I was changing, I checked my phone right before I went downstairs, a missed call from Renjun two hours ago, I should call him

I didn't wait long before he answered "Nana why didn't you answer" he sounded worried

"Sorry baby my phone was on silent and I wasn't using it but what's wrong" I felt bad for lying but I'll tell him the truth soon

"Jeno can't stay the night and I don't feel safe alone can you come over" I wanted to but I promised my mum I'd talk to my father

"I can't but you can come and stay at mine I'll come and pick you up" It was silent for a while, and then he responded

"I'll be ready in five minutes" I know I promised my mum I'd talk to my father but right now Renjun is more important. I ran downstairs and my mum stopped me before I could run out the door

"Na Jaemin where do you think you're going" I sighed

"I have to go pick up Renjun he doesn't fell safe at home by himself" She looked sceptical for a minute 

"Didn't you just come from there" I rubbed the back of my neck

"I was actually setting up a surprise for Renjun it's not done so don't ask but when he gets here pretend I've been home since I texted you" She nodded and then shooed me outside

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