Chapter 5

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~Brittany's POV~

The lunch bell rings signaling it's time to go back to class. I jump in my car and head to the dollar store to get my supplies. At the dollar store, I got some car paint, glitter, girl tassel, a bike horn, and sticky notes. I got back to school with about thirty minutes left of class.

I started taping sticky notes to his motorcycle. I put them everywhere but the seat. On the seat, I put an assortment of glitter. Ranging from black to white and all the colors in between. I put the tassel on each side of his handles and the horn on the right-hand side. Last, I put a red sticky note on the speedometer that says, "You started it, -Brit". I can't wait to see the look on his face.

Happy with my work, I walked back into the school. My last class of the day is P.E. and of course, He is in this class too. I mentally smirked as I rolled my eyes at him. I walked into the girls' locker to find no other than Charlotte Winters. I mentally scoffed at the sight of her.

Charlotte Winters was the popular girl everyone wanted to be. She was the queen bee. She was taller than most girls at the school, being 5'9". Her skin was always tan no matter what. She had short brown hair and bright baby blue eyes. You could tell that she wore contacts but no one ever said anything, they were too scared she would ruin them. She had her typical minions with her, Chelsa and Sienna.

Chelsa was a super sweet girl that knew everything about everyone. Some people say she pays the FBI to know how much she does. She was shorter than Charlotte but not a lot shorter, she is 5'7". Honestly, I'm surprised that she doesn't know much about me. I have a lot of secrets I would hate for her to know about. Like how I went to a mental hospital the last week of school because of my crazy step-father Fred.

Sienna was completely opposite to the other girls, she wore black almost every day and was shorter than me. She was still outgoing like the other two. She was 5'5". She always had chains coming from her pockets and she had a tattoo. It was a little black skull on her hand right under her thumb. No one really knows much about her. She always throws insults at everyone left and right.

Charlotte notices me and glares like I just ran over her Gucci bag. Did I mention that she was rich?

She started getting all up in my face before yelling, "Stay the hell away from Jacob."

I cowered down like a scared dog and whispered, "I can't. We are partners for English, Mrs. P won't let me switch partners, I tried."


She flicked her hair before walking into the gym. I rolled my eyes at everyone staring at me. Her minions snickered then walking into the gym as well. I know just from that encounter, this class is going to be hell.

I got dressed into my gym clothes and headed out to the gym. The teacher walked in right after me. I stood there trying to see if I recognized anyone that I liked. To my liking my best friend, Caroline was in this class too. YAY!!! I also noticed that Jacob was watching me like a hawk trying to study me and figure me out. Caroline ran over to me as soon as she noticed me.

"O.M.G. Bestie, Hi!!!"


"I'm so glad we have this class together!"

"Me too" I mentally added I'm going to need you here.

The teacher took attendance and told everyone what she liked to do in her free time. She then proceeded to explain what we were going to be doing today. We had to get a partner, so I chose Caroline, and wrote a paragraph about each other and read it to the class. This assignment would be pretty easy for us because we are best friends..... After about ten minutes the teacher asks everyone to get ready to read their paragraphs to the class. Jacob was partners with Tristen, they felt the need to go first and be very obnoxious about going first.

Tristen read Jacob's first, It was mainly about how he played football. He has traveled to a lot of places though. He's been to Paris, England, London, even Turkey! I was actually quite shocked, to end it Tristen said that Jacob was 75% Italian. Then, Jacob read Tristen's.... Jacob wouldn't stop staring at me while he read. I didn't pay attention to a word he said, just him staring at me and me staring back with a confused look. Finally, he was done reading. He winked at me before walking back to his seat. I rolled my eyes at him.

Luckily, Caroline didn't notice us staring at each other. She was too busy staring at Cody. Cody was another one of Jacob's friends. I mentally rolled my eyes before nudging her.

"You're staring."

She looked back at me with a giddy smile and replied "I know"

"It's a little creepy don't you think?"

"He was staring at me first..."

"Fair enough"

The rest of the class went by smoothly. We were finally released to go change before class ended. I changed the fastest I think I have in my life. I ran out with Caroline right on my tail, very confused. I reached my car and leaned against the hood. From here I had the perfect view of his motorcycle. Caroline then realized why I ran out of the building to get here so fast. She noticed the motorcycle almost instantly and giggled.

I convinced an innocent freshman to record Jacob's reaction. Now I just have to wait. I see him stroll out of the building with his usual smile. He was laughing with his friends until one of them pointed at his motorcycle. His smile quickly faded and he ran over to it. All his friends were laughing hysterically and pointing at his precious bike.

The best part of it all was when he noticed the sticky note and what I had written on it. He quickly looked up the anger burning in his eyes. I couldn't help but laugh. All his friends proceeded to read the sticky note and burst into laughter again. Jacob gave them a look that could kill and they all shut up except for Tristen. He was giving Jacob major crap. I couldn't really hear what he was saying but it was something along the lines of "I can't believe she did that". Or something like that.

Jacob caught my eyes once again and started walking over here. I swallowed the lump in my throat before he got close enough to notice that I was scared. I looked up into his big blue eyes. He was fuming. He lifted his hand and I flinched. He didn't seem to notice or he ignored it.

He ran his hand through his hand before proceeding to say, "I'm honestly surprised you had the guts to do that to my bike."

"Well, you started it." I stuck my tongue out like a five-year-old.

"Just know that you just started a war, princess."

"Noted Jakey."

"Don't call me that"

"Don't call me princess and I won't call u Jakey"

"Princess suits you though."

After his little comment, I smiled at him, got in my car and said:

"Ok, I'll see you tomorrow in Mrs. P's, Jakey."

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