Who will win? (1)

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She's loud.
He's proud .
She's rich.
He's richer.
She hates him.
He hates her.
She hate losing.
He always win.
In this cruel game, Will both be able to survive and win?
Will she win againts him?
Will he win against her?

A cruel game.
It has a line so thin between winning and losing,
it seems to almost laugh at you.

A cruel game that can be elusive.
No matter how hard some try to join in,
It always finds a way to slither away.

A cruel game that has an unusual way of conning you into it.
It may sneak up behind you,
or confront you face-to-face.

A cruel fast-paced game that changes quickly.
One moment you can be on top of the game,
the next, you can be dragging behind in the gutters.

A cruel game without any rules.
Anyone can be a victim to the game
though not always does this feel true.

A cruel game that is surreal when winning.
Everything seems to be perfect,
life seems to be flawless.

A cruel game that always finds a way to turn the tables on you.
Just when everything seems too good to be true,
It has a way of turning it back around and rubbing it in your face.

A cruel game that never ends peacefully.
No matter what happens one side will still feel empty,

A cruel game in the game of love someone always has to lose.

Will SHE still continue and play?

Will HE still continue and play?

Is the price worth risking for?

Is the pain worth it?

Find out here on The Last Final Game

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