Chapter 11: Turning Page.

Start from the beginning

"But... But you're only thirty five weeks, you're.. They're not supposed to-" I start, and

She shoots her eyes open, giving me the look.

"This is not the time for you to go into panic mode! They told us they might come early, and that's what's happening so go get my mom and Anthony now." She urges, and I hold her hand, helping her back into the bedroom. She sits on the bed, her legs spread, her hands on her knees.

"Are you sure you're-" I start, and she looks at me again.

"Baby I'm fine, please just go get them, please.." She begs, and I turn away from her,

And go straight to Anthony's door. I open it up, and flip the lights on causing him to jump up and flinch.

"Babies are coming, get up." I mumble, and he wakes up right away. I move from the bedroom, and go to the next, opening the door lightly, and going to her mum, not wanting to wake her like I did Anthony. I shake her lightly as she sleeps, and she stirs awake, looking at me in confusion at first, but when she registers that it's me she's up instantly.

"What's wrong? Something bad, or are they coming?" She asks, and I'm glad she knew, I'm glad she's going to be here for this.

"They're coming." I tell her, and she's up. I go back into the bedroom quickly and El is breathing deep heavy breaths as she sits in the same spot she was in when I left her. "Car, come on darling, let's go.." I mumble, and grab the bag her mum was sure to make us pack last week just in case this happened. I take her hand in mine, but she stands up straight, keeping her other hand on her stomach. She doesn't use my hand for support, she just locks her fingers with mine, walking in front of me as we move.

"The others are coming?" She asks, and Anthony pops out of his room, jumping as he tries to put his shoe on.

"Coming! Don't leave, you can't give birth without me bitch!" He shouts, and I continue on with El, ignoring his commentary. It's pretty early on in the morning right now here, which means it won't be too early back home. I'll call my mum whenever everything settles but for now my main focus is on her and them, and making sure they're okay. I go out to the car, opening it up, and placing the bag inside, but Suzie walks out right after.

"Give me the keys." She mumbles, and I furrow my brows.

"Just do it, let's go." El mumbles, and I do, passing the keys over as I help her into the back seat of the car. Anthony fumbles out of the house, and jumps in the front seat, slamming the door, and turning back as Suzie pulls out of the driveway, and down the road. Anthony reaches a hand out to El, and she takes it.

"Let's have this baby.." He mumbles, and she shakes her head, and looks at me.

"You've gotta say it.. My dad isn't here so you've got to do it because if he was here I know he would." She mumbles, and I smile.

"Let's get the damn thing done." I shake my fists softly, giving her small cheers, and she smiles again, her face lighting up, the realization hitting her that we're actually about to become parents...I run my thumb over her knuckles, keeping my eyes on her. She's normal, calm but there's moments of her face changing making it obvious that she's uncomfortable. "You're okay... You're doing great darling.." I mumble all the words of encouragement I can, knowing that's all I can do in a moment like this. Since it's so early, and the hospital is so close to their home it doesn't take us long to get there, and I'm thankful for that because by the time we pull up to the emergency room entrance she's sweating, her breathing getting heavier. Anthony gets out of the car, and opens her door, helping her out of the car, but she reaches back.

"Not doing this without you, come on.." She mumbles, and I take her hand, the bag on my shoulder.

"I'll park the car, and meet y'all in there." Suzie speaks out, and I close the door, following El along, knowing that as soon as we go into this hospital that the secret is out. Everyone will know where we've disappeared to, but nothing will matter once they're here... once I get to see them, to hold them. We get through the doors, and I expect her to go sit down but she moves straight to the desk.

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