When you meet him

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"Hanako-San, Hanako-San, are you in there?" You knocked on the third stall of the girls bathroom. At first, it was silent. "I-I guess it was just a rumor.." You started to leave, but out of the corner of your eye, lay a hand on the stall door and you heard a voice whisper, "Hellooo.." And the stall door opened with a creak. You froze. You slowly turned around. There was nothing. "Maybe it was just my imagination.." You tried to keep yourself calm, but suddenly a hand landed on your shoulder. "Hi, there. It's a pleasure to meet you." You screamed and tried to hit the person. Your hand passed through nothing, but thin air. You stepped back. "Y-You're a ghost?" He chuckled. "I prefer the term Apparition, but yes. I am the 7th wonder of this school, Hanako-San the bathroom ghost!" His voice sounded like a boy. But that couldn't be right! "You sound like a boy!" You wondered aloud. "That's because I am a boy. I know what the rumors say, but that is the only thing that is false. I will grant you one wish in exchange for a price that I see fit." You looked at him. "Just wondering, but why do you haunt the girls bathroom? Are you some kinda pervy ghost?" He floated back into the stall. "Alright, we're done here.." You stopped him. "W-Wait! You can haunt any bathroom you want! It's cool that you're a boy!" He came back out. "Y-You think I'm c-cool? Well in that case, tell me your name and what you wish!" He took out a notebook and pen. "My name is Y/N L/N and I wish..."

Authors note: 289 words. I don't write often lol.

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