Chapter 7- Founder's Party

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, she just took Stefan to dance."

"Great, thanks." I go outside to find Caroline only to see Carol talking to Vicki and Tyler. I start to head their way but by the time I get there, Vicki has left and I hear Carol tell Tyler that he should expect that type of behavior for bringing Vicki before walking away. "Really, you fight with my brother over her and then you let Carol treat her like shit? Great job Ty. Boyfriend of the year."

He looks up at me startled. "I thought if my parents didn't see her, she'd be fine. I didn't think she'd want to go to the party."

"Of course she did, Ty. No matter who it is, every girl wants to feel special. The Lockwoods pretend they're royalty so the rest of the town follows. That makes you a prince. Girls want to be a princess, Ty, not the Prince's mistress."

"You wouldn't care."

"Yeah I would. I love these parties, Ty."

"But if it was something else, you wouldn't think I was treating you like a mistress."

"That's because I know I'm not one, but this isn't the first time you've made her feel like this. Apologize. Surprisingly those go a long way," I tell him before walking to the back of the mansion. I look on the dancefloor and don't see Caroline or Stefan so I go inside and see Bonnie and Elena sitting and talking. Elena looks upset so I approach her. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"Damon told Caroline some stuff about Stefan and I let it get to me which led to a fight."

"Why was Caroline talking to Damon?"

Bonnie's quick to respond. "She said he came up to her at the grill asking about you so she told him that you weren't interested so he said something about Stefan being the bad brother not him and told her some stuff that I never should've told Elena."

"It's not your fault Bonnie, it's Damon's," I say before turning to find him. I head outside and don't have to look long before he approaches me and asks to dance. I accept, much to his shock. I let him lead me onto the dancefloor before I being scolding him. "What the hell is wrong with you? Leave my sister and Stefan's relationship alone and leave Caroline alone."

"Jessica, I never meant to hurt Elena. I actually like her, I just want to get back at my brother and I didn't do anything to Caroline, I just asked a few questions. I had to use a little compulsion, too. For someone that's constantly talking, she is very loyal to you. Elena...not so much."

"Right, compulsion. I'm sure that's why she asked Stefan to dance right?"

"I needed him distracted so I could talk to Elena."

"You mean to make a move on her?" He looks at me taken aback. "Yeah, I know you tried to kiss her and I bet the reason you're trying to get in between her and Stefan is because she looks like Katherine but she isn't Damon and I won't let her get caught between you two just like Katherine, so stay away from her," I tell him before leaving him seething on the dancefloor.

3rd Person P.O.V.

Damon stands on the dance floor, unable to control his anger, and he knows exactly who to take it out on. He can't get to Elena without going through Stefan and he can't hurt Jessica directly so why not the perky best friend? He goes find her, knowing she's still compelled to help him for the rest of night, as he compelled her earlier at the grill when he talked to her about Jessica. He finds her in the living room and tell her he needs her help outside. She follows, asking what he needs. He stops them not far from the pond. "I need your help hurting Jessica," he finally answers.

"What," she asks, confused before he attacks her, biting into her neck. Little did he know, his brother had given Caroline vervain, thinking Damon and Caroline were together. Damon collapses, choking on the vervain. Stefan grabs him, telling him what he had done. Caroline stays passed out on the ground until she wakes up to see an amber crystal on the ground. Jessica finds her on the lawn and rushes over to her.

"Oh my God. Caroline are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," she responds but she is scared. She can't remember what happened. Jessica comes over and hugs her, hearing the fear in her voice.

"Do you want me to take you home?"

"Don't you have to help clean up?" She asks, referring to the excuse Jessica always gives for why she has to stay after the parties for the council meetings.

"I'll just tell Carol and take you home, okay? Go wait in your car," she tells her, knowing that Caroline drove herself and Bonnie to the party. Jessica tells Carol that something came up so she'll have to miss the meeting but Logan has to get the watch from Jeremy's room so he doesn't suspect anything. She agrees and Jessica takes Caroline home after getting Bonnie. When they arrive at the Forbes residence, Caroline gets out of the passenger seat, knocking the crystal off her lap. "What's that?" Jessica asks, feeling as though she's seen it somewhere.

"I don't know. Damon had it. I think he asked me to give it to you." She hands it to her and that's when Jessica notices the bite on her best friends neck. She decides that she's going to kill Damon for what he's done to her friend but for tonight, she'll stay with Caroline to make sure she's safe.

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