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Emmas POV:

Today is the pep rally. Looks like i have to wear my uniform. I go into my closet and get my cheer uniform. My hair is so short and still i dont know what to do with it. Ill just pull some back away frim my face and put my red bow right there. I put my makeup on, and use my paint to put gold dots on top of my left eyebrow and red dots on the bottom of my right eye. There!

Tikki: What are you doing to your face?

Emma: Putting my makeup on?

Tikki: Your mom lets you put makeup on?

Emma: Well yeah. Every cheerleader puts makeup on for spirit fridays

Tikki: Your mom never put on makeup on when she was your age

Emma: Really?

Tikki: Yes...she only put eyeliner and mascara on. She didnt wear heavy makup until she was like 20 years old

Emma: Oh wow. Well im learning more about my mom every day. And to think she would never tell me any of this

Tikki: Huh...anyways you ready?

Emma: Yeah, i just need to avoid those girls...maybe I can get Louis to give me a ride to school today so i can stay away from Piper. I dont need them ruining my uniform

Tikki: Good idea.

Emma: Well i should get going-

Tikki: Dont forget your geometry homework

Emma: Oh shit...thanks Tikki

*I run out of my room and hug my mom

Marinette: Good morning Emma

Emma: Morning Mama

Marinette: You need cookies for Tikki?

Emma: That would help a lot...thanks mama

Marinette: No problem baby. Just doing whay any good mother would do

*Louis starts heading out and i tell my parents goodbye. I run up to Louis almost bumping into him

Louis: Woah...Emma what's the rush

Emma: I- I need a ride-

Louis: Say no told me what Piper's been doing to you...i dont like it either, i promise ill talk to Eddie about it

Emma: Please dont

Louis: Just get in

Emma: Okay

Madis POV:

I tried talking to my mom about this. She doesnt love me enough to keep me in the house after i tried coming out to her. Im technically supposed to be with my uncles Nathaniel and Marc but theyre in England for some comic book thing. So....ive been living in thr Salvation Army house. I can say that i am homeless for now...until my uncles come back. They dont know theyre supposed to be taking care of me. Im mostly at Genesis' house to at least get some family love in my life. Shes the only one to know about my situation. Not even her parents know. Ever since i had Plagg, ive been staying at Genesis' house but i have to tell my kwami that im homeless sometime this weekend. I have to. I cant live here

Genesis: ready to go Madi?

Madi: Yeah

Genesis: Im sorry you cant stay for the weekend

Madi: Its alright. I can manage. I have the donut shop. Trust me, ill make enough money to get me some food for when i go back to the Salvation Army.

Genesis: You sure?

Madi: Of course

*Genesis leaves the room so i can change when Plagg-

Plagg: Kid what do you mean Salvation Army?

Madi: Plagg can i explain it later?

Plagg: Fine...but you better give me an explanation when the pep rally is over

Madi: Of hide before Genesis comes back

*I finish changing and Genesis walks in

Genesis: Ready to go?

Madi: I got all my stuff...thanks again for letting me stay for the past couple of days

Genesis: No problem. You are like a little sister to me. I would do more for you if i was able to

Madi: I know...i know

*We say goodbye to Genesis' parents and leave for school. Wish i had parents like that but ever since my dad died, my moms been an ass. Finally...time for school, i see Emma waiting for us at the entrance

Genesis: Hey are you doing

Emma: Im doing great

Madi: Thats great. You waiting for Laine

Emma: Nope...i was waiting for you guys

Madi: ...OH...right, okay lets hurry up and meet the others

Genesis: Right

*We all start walking to the quad area so we can talk amongst ourselves. I notice that Emma looked worried and she kept looking around her. Poor thing, i gotta help her

Madi: okay Emma

Emma: I- Im alright...just dont want Josephine or Taniah-

Madi: *holds Emmas hand* Hey...its gonna be okay

*She hesitated at first, but then she started getting more comfortable when she held my hand almost looked like we were a couple or something, Emma is just a friend. Besides, i got Charmbug🥰

Laine: Hey Emma

Emma: *lets go of Madis hand* Hey, how are you?

Laine: Im okay. I cannot wait for you guys to perform today

Emma: Same

Genesis: Madi...can we talk

Madi: Sure

*Genesis pulls me aside

Genesis: Jordan broke his foot and cant perform with us

Madi: Wait...isn't he the one that's supposed to catch Emma when she-

Genesis: Yes...we need someone to learn your part so you can catch Emma

Madi: Wait what? Catch Emma

*Oh fuck...

Genesis: Is that a problem-

Madi: No problems at all...ill just have to tell her

Genesis: Great...ill be teaching one of our JV members your part

Madi: what about Laine

Genesis: I guess she can do your part if you want that

Madi: Sure

*I went up to Emma and tapped on her shoulder

Emma: Yes Madi?

Madi: Jordan broke his foot yesterday after practice so....ill be doing his part

Emma: Wait but isnt her supposed to catch me when i-

Madi: Yes Emma...ill be catching you

Emma: OH!

*Emmas face turns red like my uncle Nathaniels hair

Madi: You okay?

Emma: Y-yeah...just fine

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