Chapter Two:

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History class, not bad, but it's still school so I think some of you can understand when I say I was not excited. I walked through the door
And examined the class, it was small and filled with students. The walls where painted an awful yellow cream colour. One wall had windows on it looking out to the school parking lot, where I saw a really nice sleek looking motorcycle. I want one. The walls of the room had a few posters of historic events and people, on the back wall on the top right corner there was a poster of my dad, the devil. Just a bad reminder that I have to hide who I am, thanks to him. I swear I saw the eyes move.

I sat down at the only desk available, the worst one. It was right in the center of the class, everyone could see me walking to it, which is just great cause all I need right now is to be noticed (sense the sarcasm). At least I wasn't in the front of the class, only dweebs and nerds sit there.

As I sat down I noticed a cute boy sitting in front of me,he had dirty blonde hair and brown eyes, he turned around in his chair and spoke words that showed that, just because he was cute on the outside doesn't mean he isn't ugly on the inside.

"Hey there," he winked. "the name's Dylan, in case you were wondering I am single, and I guess you aren't that bad looking, so hit me up if you get lonely." he passed me his number.

Douche. I thought. Someone has to teach this boy a lesson.

I felt his aura, gargoyle. I. Hate. Gargoyles.
How am I supposed to ridicule him in front of his friends now?! You see gargoyles are protected by evil spirits and power, and if you haven't figured it out yet, I'm evil. So I'm just going to have to hurt him like a human.

I took his number and gave him a sweet smile, I folded the peice of scrap paper that he gave me and stabbed it with my pencil, I proceeded to stand up and walk to the front on the class and use the electric sharpener. I gave him cold eyes as the sound of paper shredding filled the small room. As I went back to my desk passing giggly teens, I heard him murmur "B*tch".

Next to me there was a girl, her aura felt like nature and mischief, no doubt she was an elf. I watched her as she scurried through her pencil case, finally she turned to me, and with the smallest most delicate voice she asked "I'm so sorry to bother you, do you have a pencil I could borrow?"
"Of course, here it's freshly sharpened too!" what? I couldn't help but be nice to her, she was just so sweet. "I'm lilith, nice to meet you."

"Oh thank you!" she giggle "my name is Aeleanor" she smiled kindly. I don't care that I just met her, if anyone hurts her I'm going to to bite there arms off and make them watch as I barbecue them and then I'll force them to eat it.

A few minutes later the teacher came in and told us to prepare ourself to take notes. I pull my extra pencil out out of my hair, and my hair fell out of the bun it was in.

I don't know exactly when I started doing that, but I'd think it started back in hell, when I took pleasure in torturing teachers by forcing them to do algebra, and write on chalkboard using there nails,and each time they'd think of how bad it was the class room they were in would get smaller and smaller until finally they are turned into a cube that I could cook and put in a burger. Little did I know I'd soon have to be stuck in a class as well.

*After class*

Aeleanor and I left class and moved on to the next class, gym. Gym was fun it was like a free period to get rid of bottled up energy.

I went into the changing room and put on the gym clothe that Aeleanor lent me. She was small so the leggings ended at my ankles and the hem of the shirt just bearly reached under my belly button. But it's what I had so I guess it'll due. At least the running shoes fit.

I walked to the gym, but it was empty. I looked around for the other students but they were nowhere to be found. Suddenly the blue eyed boy walked out of the guys changing room. I'm not sure why but I hide behind the wall. He walked down the hall, and I followed behind him. At the end of the hall there was a door heading out side, when he opened the door I could hear the other students running around and the teacher yelling at them to quiet down while he tried to explain something to them. I went outside a little while after the boy went, as to not to seem suspicious.

I reach the field where the group was and sat next to Aeleanor on the ground where everyone was sitting.
The teacher Mrs. Something, (I wasn't listening. But I was so surprised I thought she was a dude!) any way she was telling that we were starting archery. Sounds interesting enough.
But my aim sucks so we'll see how well this goes. Some students were complaining and some were excited.

We got our bows and lesson one was to learn how to string a bow, which is stinkin' hard! I looped one end and waxed the string like Mrs. said to do and I almost got the other end looped but the string let go and slapped me in the face. Ow.

I look other my shoulder and the blued eyed boy was sitting at the bottom of a tree in the shade waiting for everyone to finish stringing their bows, somehow he finish his already. I'm not all that surprised though, you should see the muscles on this guy!

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- A

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