The Fight For Love

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(This is not what actually happened to me. This is just what could've happened during my adventures)

So today's Saturday. I'm at my house, making curry for lunch in the kitchen. I'm just trying to drown out the noises that are coming from every damn room in the house. Well, technically it's only from one room. See, when I sealed Origami, she went back to the Origami from the original world, but still has the personality from this world.
Now, the original Origami was obsessed with me. The kind of obsessed when I talk to another girl and then she just springs in to get me to fall for her. Origami has been visiting my house... way too much. She's now arguing with Tohka about who I love. It's not only Tohka and Origami fighting for me though. It's also been the Yamai sisters, Miku, and a very rarely: Natsumi and Yoshino.

"Shido loves ME!" I hear Tohka say. 
"That's not possible," I hear Origami say. "I'm certain that Shido has fallen for me!" I hear someone walk into the living room that's right next to the kitchen. 
"So what's for lunch, bro?" It's Kotori, my sister. I turn around and she's wearing her white ribbons on her head.
"Curry," I blankly say. I turn back to the stove. 
"You okay, Shido?" Kotori asks.
"I just wish the other spirits would stop arguing about who I love, even though there IS someone out there I have feelings for."
"Who is it?" Kotori's on my left side, staring at me with a smirky face.
"Who is what?" I ask.
"Who do you love? You just said that there's someone out there you have feelings for!" Damn it! I just said that out loud!
"U-uh, I didn't mean that!" I say, sounding like I'm talking at super speed.

I finish the curry and place it on the table. Kotori goes ahead and calls everyone to come and eat lunch. I set the table. Origami doesn't eat lunch with us because she gets pretty heated after arguing with Tohka, implying the fact that she needs some time alone.

"DARLING," Here comes Miku. She's smiling. Her smile is brighter than normal. "I JUST HEARD YOU SAY YOU LOVE SOMEONE! WHO IS IT?! IT'S ME, RIGHT?!"
"I was lying," I say, turning away from her. I feel my face getting a little hot.
"Wait what!?" Tohka says, coming into the room. "Shido loves someone?!"
"He does?" Kaguya says, running into the kitchen and staring at me with a slightly pink face. "Is it me?" She's talking way too normal.
"Statement," Yuzuru says. "it's me!"
"Me and Shido will be in a wonderful romance!" Miku says.
"Romance?" Everyone but Natsumi, Kotori and Miku say.
"Shido, what's romance?" Yoshino asks me.
"Yeah, I'd like to know!" Yoshinon the puppet says.
I freeze. What the hell is going on?! I start to speak. "Romance i-is... a feeling that... comes with love." What the hell did I just say?! Damn it! Everyone stares at me. I sigh. "Anyways, let's just eat lunch now!" It's been silent for some time. I catch all of them looking at me with curiosity, happiness, and just downright nervousness.

"Darling," Miku says. She's sitting on my left. "you've got some curry on your left cheek."
"I do?" I ask. "I'll go and get it off then!" 
"Let me do it!" Miku stops me from getting up from my chair. She leans in closer to my face. I blush a little. "Close your eyes!" She says. I do as she says. I feel her breathing on my left cheek. What the hell? I feel something warm that's pressing against my face. I open my eyes. Miku's... kissing me?!

"MIKU!!!" Tohka yells, standing up from her chair. "I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING! YOU'RE KISSING SHIDO!!" Everyone else gasps. Miku quickly lets go of me. She smiles.
"Question," Yuzuru says. "Shido, may I take the curry that's now on your right cheek?"
"Right cheek?" Kaguya asks. Her eyes widen. "No, I wanna do it!!"
"Yuzuru can get the right cheek," Yoshinon says. "But Yoshino needs to get the curry that's on poor Shido's LIPS!"
"LIPS?!" Tohka yells in surprise! "Shido, will you allow ME to get the curry off your lips?"
"You guys," I say, blushing even more. Natsumi starts to glow. Oh no! She's now in her grown woman form!
"Shido's more interested in BIG girls like me!" Natsumi says.
"WHAT?!" The Yamai sisters, Yoshino, and Tohka yell.
"No," Kotori says. She's got a devilish look on her face. "Shido likes girls who are like Kurumi!"
Tohka stares at me. "YOU LIKE KURUMI?!"
"I never said I did!!" I say, trying to defend myself! "Kotori, you're going to make Tohka's stress levels rise!" I just notice that her ribbons have changed!
"Hey, a captain's gotta have some fun at lease once in a while!" She says, shrugging her shoulders.

What the hell is happening?!

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