bigger fish to fry

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Swimming under the cool water made my ears slightly pop.

When I brought myself to the surface, Bennett was waiting with a reply.


We swam and floated for a few more moments until Jordan excitedly interrupted it.

"Can we go eat now? I'm starving!" his green eyes were vibrant in excitement and I audibly heard his stomach growl.

"Yea I guess so. My hands are starting to prune too," Bennett looked at his fingers that were starting to shrivel up from excessive water.

"Wanna race?" Jordan challenged.

"Of course," Bennett accepted.

The three if us lined up parallel. Sights set on the shore of the beach.

"1..2..3..GO!" Jordan was the one who counted out loud, allowing him to cheat greatly.

He was already feet ahead when Bennett and I had realized our mistake.

I dived into the water and started pumping my arms with such force that I caught up to Jordan quickly.

Instead of continuing to swim. I decided to take the funnier route and grab Jordan's swim trunks.

I pants-ed the man while he was swimming and carried on right past him.

I slowed down tremendously from the amount of laughter taking my breath away.

But I turned around and saw Jordan panic at trying to slip his trunks back on, hoping no one saw him.

Sand scratched my chest and I realized I was back on the shore.

Bennett was standing tall and proud at his win.

Jordan showed up as a lousy third, face red with embarrassment.

Together we started to walk back to our spot.

"We shoulda known better than to let you count off," Bennett shook his head at our careless mistake.

"I can't believe Declan pulled my shorts down," Jordan mumbled, still shocked at what happened.

I felt eyes follow our every step as we weaved through the crowd of towels and beach umbrellas.

I never really cared for the stares while Jordan basked in it and Bennett knew how to not give any shits.

But I felt slightly conscience of everything I did, trying my hardest not to look a fool yet to not draw any more attention towards us.

"Believe it buddy," I was laughing my ass off. My sides tensed from the pain of the hilariousness of it.

"It wasn't that funny. I was honestly scared for little man down there. What if there was a jelly fish? Or a crab?" This made me laugh even harder.

"I still can't believe you tried cheating us! Thinking you wouldn't get messed with for it," Bennett smiled at the small race we had.

"Hey! Gotta do what ya gotta do," Jordan shrugged his shoulders, admitting that he knew he was going to lose, so that's why he cheated.

"Whew. Did you see his face though? It was hilarious. I mean I knew it was going to be funny but- what?" a rapid nudge from Jordan stopped me mid sentence.

"Looks like we've got bigger fish to fry," Jordan nodded his head in the direction of the scene unraveling before us.

There was this medium sized dude with stringy bleached hair and a pointy nose intimidatingly approaching Naomi.

They're Mine (The Good Girl's Bad Boys one shots)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang