Chapter 11

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3rd Pov

Everyone look at him shocked. He smile at them

(Y/N): Miss me ?

Shoukaku hug him

Shoukaku: How are you alive, what it this behind you and how did get that old

(Y/N): I don't know how I come back to life, behind is what I call stand and when you say how I'm old, I have to remember you more older than me ?

She hit him in the chest

Shoukaku: Don't say that, I'm not a grandma

He smile

(Y/N): Never say that Shoukaku-chan

She blush and look away while he look at the sirens and the shipgirls looking at him in shock

(Y/N): What did I miss ?

He sense a siren coming behind him

(Y/N): Za Warudo

The time stop, he turn the head to see the Siren aiming at him, he point his finger at her and The World and Star Platinum begin to punch her


They stop and (Y/N) say

(Y/N): Toki wa ugokidasu

Time resume and the siren get the pain from the punch she receive and she get repulse. The other only see him looking at the siren who get push awway from him.

He turn the head and look at Orochi

(Y/N): What's that ship where my sisters are

Zuikaku arrive near him

Zuikaku: That's Orochi

He nod 

(Y/N): Time to do what we were created for

She nod and he rush toward Orochi to be stop by Kaga

Kaga: Even if you are my brother, I will not let you destroy the project of Akagi

(Y/N): King Crimson!

Time get erased and he arrive behind his sister. When he stop, he was now behind his and he put her unconscious. Everyone look in shock, first the siren now Kaga. 

Akagi(mind): What happen to my brother

Amagi(mind): Is that the power of his stand

Enterprise go near him

Enterprise: I wanted to say I'm sorry

(Y/N): Don't worry, that's the past, now we fight together against them

She nod and they go toward Orochi. The Siren try to reach them but get shot by the shipgirls. Enterprise reach Akagi but (Y/N) is push away by someone, he look who push him

 Enterprise reach Akagi but (Y/N) is push away by someone, he look who push him

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(Y/N): You're not like the others

Arbiter: Exactelly, I'm Arbiter, Empress of the Sirens

Every shipgirls who heard it get shock to see the empress and the sirens are shocked to see their empress here

(Y/N): What do you want

Arbiter: I just want to erase you from this world, you are an anomaly I will destroy

(Y/N) prepare himself and run toward her, the empress aim at him

(Y/N): Oh no

He use Gold Experience Requiem to stop her attack, she is shock, but when she recover she aim again to see him infront of her.

(Y/N): It's over

His 5 Stand appear and begin to punch her. She get launch into a ship. He look at the ship and saw a purple light, he quickly dodge a laser who coming from the empress who is severely hurt.

(Y/N): Excuse me empress, did I touch you royal ego

She growl and fire at him again but each time he dodge. Until he think he need to stop this. He go toward her and prepare his punch but she enter into a portal and he didn't reach her in time and she flee.

He look at Orochi who is sinking. He look Amagi who disappear, Akagi crying and Kaga who is now conscious and hold by Zuikaku. Akagi who come with Enterprise go near Kaga and hug her. (Y/N) decide to walk toward them too. They look at me and when I was near them, they grab him and make a family hug.

The shipgirls smile at this family reunion. Akagi and Kaga look at their brother

Akagi: You grow up

(Y/N): Maybe I grow up but I'm still the youngest Akagi-nee-chan, Kaga-nee-chan

Kaga: I will miss the time you sleep in our arm

(Y/N): I can sleep on your legs

They smile and place his head on their legs and he sleep

Enterprise go near them and Akagi smile at her

Enterprise: We got a proposition for you and Ironblood

Prinz Eugen: What is this

Enterprise: Would you join Azur Lane ?

Prinz Eugen: I have to tell this to Bismarck

Akagi: And I have to tell this to Nagato and our commander

Enterprise: I totally forgot you are the only one who got a commander since we wanted your commander as the Azur Lane commander.

They leave, The Sakura Empire shipgirls return to their base and Ironblood to their own base to tell the proposition of Azur Lane.


The Sakura Empire and Ironblood accept the proposition and their own district with their own theme. (Y/N) was walking in the base and he found his sisters eating so he walk toward

(Y/N): Konnichiwa onee-chan

They look at him and smile

Akagi: Hello (Y/N), are you used to this new base ?

(Y/N): Yes, but I prefer when we will get our district

Kaga: That's harsh but I cannot say I'm not agree

(Y/N): I wanted to ask soemthing

Akagi: What is it ?

(Y/N): There is no way to revive Amagi-nee-chan ?

Akagi: We ask and they are searching a way to bring her back

(Y/N): Was she a good onee-chan

Akagi and Kaga remember that time when they get hit in the head and force to stop their fighting by her

Akagi: She is a great onee-chan just 

Kaga: Don't make her angry

They said with a sweat and the eyes close

(Y/N): What did you do to know this ?

Akagi/Kaga: Nothing

(Y/N) approach his head until he stop

(Y/N): i will ask Amagi if we find a way to bring her back

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