Yoongi leans down, and joins his father and grandma. Their three heads are very close together.

Areum speaks to them both through the oxygen mask. "Listen to me. You two need to stop fighting. You'll never see eye to eye, but you're family. If this doesn't stop, one day you'll regret it." She focuses her attention on to Gook. "Promise me you'll stand by Yoongi, even if you don't agree with him."

"I... I promise."

"And Yoongi. Promise you'll work harder to be a part of this family."

"I promise, Grandma."

"Okay, then." Areum closes her eyes. She looks peaceful. A moment passes, then suddenly she takes off her mask, sits up, and yells to the pilot, as if nothing happened. "I'm feeling much better. I don't need to go to the hospital. Take us to the airport, please."

Yoongi and Gook are confused. Stunned even. "What...what is going on?" Gook then lowers his voice so the Coast Guard can't hear. "Did you fake a heart attack?"

"We didn't have time for your squabbling, and I knew a helicopter would be the quickest way to the airport. It seemed like the best way."

"The best way?" Yoongi questions, still trying to process what is happening.

"And remember, you two promised me that you're going to get along. I wasn't kidding about that."

The pilot calls back towards the crazy family. "Ma'am, I'm not authorized to take you to the airport..."

Areum turns her head around as far back as she can to answer the pilot. "Larry Fontanilla! Don't make me call your mother!"

Back on the plane, Guk talks non-stop. Jimin is in hell.

"...I want my book launch to be special. I'm thinking we throw a soiree at the Nevsky Monastery. In St. Petersberg?" Jimin stares at him blankly. "Where Dostoyevsky is buried? Hello? I thought you were a professional..." 

Jimin closes his eyes to numb the pain. 

The helicopter lands, and Yoongi jumps out. His family follows as they run to the control tower.

Manny Mendoza has an easy job. Jets fly into Sagada, but there are only about six flights a day. He is half awake as he radios Jimin's flight. Reggae music plays in the background. "Flight 1601, you're clear for takeoff."

"Roger that, Manny." 

The phone rings in the tower and Manny picks it up. "Tower. Talk to me."

"Hey Manny, It's Yoongi." Yoongi is running and sounds out of breath down the line.

"Hey man. Heard about your man bailing. How often does this happen to you?"

"Need you do to me a solid. I gotta see my 'man' and he's on that flight. Could you stop it for me?"

"No can do mate. Need a good reason for the KOCA holes. Lose my job if I delivered a favour."

"Oh, c'mon Manny!"

The plane rattles as it gains speed for takeoff. Jimin studies the safety pamphlet, trying to ignore Guk.

"...so next topic. Celebrities. Let's invite the Bill Clinton's and leave out the Paris Hilton's, okay?" Guk smiles as he look out the window and sees the plane leave Sagada.

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