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  The bouquet came today. It was so beautifully arranged with an engagement ring in the center. I cried for hours at my loss of you. I took the big bouquet as a sign to meet you in heaven. So long, World. I'm coming my love, wait for me. I swallowed the bottles of pills in my bedroom and waited for them to take affect.

"Wooyoung!" You exclaimed. I gazed up at you through drugged out eyes.

"Sannie?" I asked.

The paramedics tried their best, but now I can see you, right? I slipped on the ring before I passed out.i didn't know you had witnessed me killing myself, I thought it was my drugged out eyes playing tricks on me. Now here we are, meeting in heaven. At least now we can be happy together, forever.

27 Roses and a Bouquet WoosanWhere stories live. Discover now