Chapter 18: Infighting

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You sat up wide awake. You felt sick to your stomach, you quickly leaned out the window Frank had near his bed and vomited out orange. Frank was up quickly, he held your hair out of your face.

"It's ok." He whispered, he was clearly disturbed by the bile.

"I'm ok, I feel better now." You coughed out, you spit out the window to get the taste of vomit out your mouth.

Frank moved his hand from your hair, down to your waist, he squeezed you tightly.

"Frank, I should probably head back to the Campfire, everyone is most likely worried sick, and I think I'm due for another trial soon."

"I'll walk you back."

You wanted to tell him no, but after the Talbot situation, you knew you weren't going to win this argument. He quickly put his shoes and gray jacket back on. He held you hand to check you were still there, then pulled you downstairs.

"Bye Y/N!" Joey waved to you kindly, The Legion was starting to feel more like a family as time went on.

The walk back to the campfire was quiet, the only sound was snow and leaves crunching under your feet. Frank still held your hand, you knew he was still shaken up by Talbot, so you let him.

"Right there." He said, pointing to the faint light of the campfire.

Frank was only a little bit taller than you (hardly) so you had no problem kissing him softly on the cheek, then pulled your hand out of his grasp.

"See you later." You said.

"Y/N! OMG." Quentin jumped up seeing you, he grabbed both of your arms. "Where. Have. You. Been." He shook you violently, this was the first time you've seen him awake like this.

You grabbed him by both of his arms as well.

"I. Got. Kidnapped."

"By who?" Adam asked.

"Some guy named Talbot, the killers call him The Alchemist though, he's the reason the killers become blighted with that orange stuff." .

"Gosh, are you ok?" Claudette asked.

"Yeah, I got a couple scars The Entity couldn't heal, but I'm fine."

"And... I'm just going to point this out." David snapped. "If you never left none of that would have happened."

"Shut up, you are nothing but a victim blamer." Laurie snapped back at him.

"I'm right aren't I? The Entity said-"

"Actually." You cut hik off. "The Entity never said we had to stay by the campfire, it can find us in the killers realms as well."

"Don't cut me off again, bitch." David snapped.

"Excuse you?" You turned to him.

"You heard me."

"Sorry I don't cower around a little fire because I'm scared of getting hurt." You shouted at him.

"I'm not scared."

"Aww, little man baby scared of a teenager in a mask." You mocked him. "Leave me alone and mind your own business, at least I can handle it."

David was now angry, he grabbed you by your collar and slammed you against a tree, he started choking you.

"David!" Dwight shouted, trying to get his attention away from you.

You were smart though. You reached down and grabbed the charm The Entity had given you, you quickly unclipped it from your pants, and placed it against David's arm that held your neck. He shouted and pulled away from you, you collapsed on the ground gasping for air. You managed to gain enough conscious to kick your foot out and knock David on his ass.

"Go Y/N!" Yui cheered you on.

"I'm gonna-"

You help up the glowing charm again, and David shrunk back in fear.

"What is that?" Zarina asked.

"A charm The Entity gave me, it provokes anxiety in everyone but me."

"How does that work?" Ash said.

"I- don't know, I-"

Observer popped into your head, maybe the being of pure good explained why it doesn't effect you. Maybe you should find him...

You picked yourself up off the ground knowing the rules of the camp. If there is ever a fight, one of the people involved must leave the camp so everyone can cool down, you decided to take one for the team. You grabbed Tim from underneath the log you kept him in, the left camp.

You decided to vist The Entity then head to Ormond. Soon you were in the dark red plain The Entity sat in. It was hunched over and seemed to be....crying? Orange tears fell down it's face and onto the ground, when they hit the ground, out sprouted the orange blight flowers.


It sat up quickly and looked at you, it quickly wiped it's tears and plastered a frown on it's face.

"Y/N, what are you doing here?"

"I came to visit."

"You are very strange human." It laughed.

It reached down and gently picked you up off the ground.

"Why were you crying?"

"It's none of your concern."

"If you talk about it you could feel better."

"How would you know?"

"I felt better about my brothers death when I told Freddy about it, he seemed to care too."

The Entity actually looked also cared. Maybe it related to losing someone?

"Have you ever lost someone?" You asked it.

"I've lost...a lot of people, it's why I'm doing this, so I can go back."

The Entity quickly changed the subject after that. You sat and chatted with it a while, until a loud rumble shook the ground.

"Time to start another trial. You should head to wherever you are going." The Entity set you on the ground so you could be on your way.

"I'll see you later Entity."

"Goodbye human."

You walked out of the dark mist and started to walk towards Ormond, until a familiar figure appeared.

"Observer? I thought You left back to your castle?"

The figure stopped and stared at you. He removed his scarf and hat. It defiantly was Observer, but he seemed a little less agitated now that he wasn't in a killer's realm.

"I did, but I was looking for something."

"Can I help? What is it?"

"My friends journal, it should have a V on the cover."

"Vigo's journal? I had it! Someone stole it from me."

"You did?"

"Yeah, The Entity gave it to me at first, then a man named Talbot took it."

Observer sighed, then his eyes lit up.

"The Entity gave it to you?"

"Yeah, I talk to it sometimes."

"Can you... Come back with me? You don't have to stay! Just a vist."

You glanced towards Ormond, then back to Observer, you nodded. He smiled the gestured for you to follow him.

The Legion: Frank x Reader [Gender Neutral]Where stories live. Discover now