Maestro x Male Reader

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Series: Rainbow Six Siege

Title: Bappo (aka Daddy C;)

"You need to concentrate on the mission Maestro!" Aria (Alibi) scolded as she paced around the dorm. "I did concentrate." Maestro argued putting his face in his palms.

To be honestly, he hadn't focused, he was too busy thinking about Aria's new friend, Y/n.

"You've been acting off ever since I brought around Y/n-""

She paused, "Adriano, tell me your joking!" Aria cursed pacing even faster. No response.

"Cretina!" She yelled at him, "You will get in trouble." She shook her head in dissapproval.

"I don't care Aria! I like this boy!" He yelled standing up, his tall height towering over her. "I see, just don't come crying to me." She smirked turning her heel.

"Thank you Sorella." Adriano smiled before she walked out the dorm room with a larger smirk.

All Operators sat at the Cafeteria also including Y/n, who wasn't an Operator -yet-.

Lion sat at Y/n's table attempting to flirt with him and trying impress him. Everybody was fond of Aria's friend, he helped everybody in need.

Adriano sat with Blitz, Lion, Lesion, and Alibi.
"You should feel my muscles Y/n." Lion smirked holding out his arm. Y/n lightly felt Oliver's muscled arms. Adriano looked away in jealously before mumbling to himself.

"You know Y/n your really cute." Blitz smirked resting his hand on his thigh. "Guys." Aria scolded swatting their arms away. "Come on Aria, you cant deny he's adorable." Lesion commented.

"Guys! Y/n has a boyfriend, right Adriano?" Aria asked, her smirk barely visible. "Right!" Adriano smiled hugging Y/n from behind. "Y-yes Adriano is my boyfriend!" Y/n blushed as the other boys sweat dropped.

"Sorry Adriano, I didn't know." Oliver huffed crossing his arms. As Maestro walked towards his dorm, Y/n followed. "Thank you for getting me out that awkward situation." Y/n smiled sweetly.

"I'm sorry I messed up your chances with Oliver." Adriano apologized shaking his head. "Oh, I'm not into Oliver, I like this one guy, he's tall, tanned, and Italian, you may know him, he goes by Maestro in the field." Y/n winked playfully.

"Then why were you letting them touch you?" Maestro asked stepping closer but using a seriously, mad tone. Y/n didn't back down, "You think that was bad, you should see what half the men do to me back home." Y/n blurted with also a mad tone.

Adriano's face softened and Y/n heard what he just said. Y/n buried his face in his hands as Maestro stepped closer. "I would never let anyone hurt you." Maestro stayed removing Y/n's hands. Adriano leaned down and gently kissed Y/n on his lips.

Soon it was kicked up a notch, Maestro pinned him into a wall, furiously making out with the smaller male. "Call me something sexy." Y/n smirked as he dropped to his knees. Y/n unbuckled Maestro's belt and his pants dropped.

Y/n stared at his length thirstily as he started rubbing it, flicking it, and occasionally licking it with the tip of his tongue before talking the entire thing in his mouth. "Bambino." Adriano moaned as you swirled your tongue around his cock.

Soon Adriano was close to bursting, he tossed Y/n on the bed, discarding all clothes, he then stuck his finger in his ass. "Bappo." Y/n moaned, surprised Maestro stopped and sat at the edge of the bed. "Everything okay?" Y/n asked sitting up as well.

"Bappo." Maestro whispered to himself. "Aria taught me that word, it means Daddy, right?" Y/n asked, he was sure it would be a good word to use during sex. "It does, but it brings back some terrible memories, I'm sorry, I don't think I can continue this, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave." Adriano whispered pulling on some clothes. "I see, well Adriano, I'm going to leave now." Y/n mumbled tearing up slowly.

"Y/n, I'm-"

Before he could finish a door was slammed in his face.

Maestro sat on his bed face in his hands.

Y/n covered up and broke down on Aria's bed, thankfully she wasn't planning on sleeping yet.

The sun invaded Aria's room, Y/n groggily got up, immediately remembering last night, he wondered why Maestro responded to the word "Bappo" the way he did.

Maestro sighed and looked into the mirror. He kept remembering an incident about a year ago.

"Come on Adriano, what's wrong, you want me, don't you?"

"Of course I do."

"Then hurry up and fuck me." A familiar voice stated.

"Okay." Maestro smirked before inserting himself into her. "Mm Bappo!" She moaned.

He splashed water on his face trying to forget that awful night. He was under the influence of alcohol but that wasn't an excuse.

"You called him Bappo?! Ari screeched pulling at her hair. "Have you ever called someone Bappo?" Y/n asked crossing his arms. "Only once! And it was a horrible mistake." She frowned before forgetting about it. "Why couldn't you call him Papa? That's way better then Bappo."

"I wanted it to be sexy." Y/n complained flopping onto the bed.

"Sexy?" She scoffed, "This base looks like you need a tetanus shot to live in it." She chuckled. "Aria! Now isn't the time to joke around."

Soon a knock was heard on the door. "I've come to apologize for making you leave yesterday." A voice yelled through the door. "He can't know you are here!"

"What! Why!" She whispered/yelled.

"Just hide!" Y/n ordered shoving her into a closet, he opened the door and immediately realized what he was wearing. All he knew was he was showing a lot of skin.

"Hey, I'm sorry about last night." Maestro frowned. "It's really okay. I understand." Y/n smiled, things took a turn, as they left of where they started.

Y/n completely forgot about Alibi who was now stuck in the closet as Adriano thrusted into him.

"Call me it." Adriano ordered as he slammed into you.

"Bappo!" Y/n yelled as Adriano spilled his seed in Y/n.

"I love you Bambino."

"I love you too Bappo." Y/n whispered snuggling into Adriano's chest.

"Are you guys fucking serious!?" Aria whispered to herself.

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