Harry Rant

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Okay so I wrote a rant about Harry and I feel like people should hear it. Don't worry I'm updating tonight I promise! But yeah here is my Harry Rant♡

(This is in a video I posted on my instagram page @sweaterpawhaz if you want to watch it)

I mean look at the adorable fucker. x

He said. "Please turn off your cameras " the pap asked if he could have a picture Harry said yes, then Harry politely said "I'm going home to go to bed and I would really,really,really appreciate it if you would stop following me" I just have to rant about this. These are the things that make Harry Styles my hero/role model. He is so kind to people who probably don't deserve it, he is always selfless thinking of others around him. Very polite since he could've said rude things to them. He just politely asked if they could stop following him so he can sleep. This is why I love Harry Styles. He is the same man who bought over 1000 pizzas for his crew, the same man who helps fans up when other people push them, the same man who tries to hug and talk to every single fan who waits for him, the same man who doesn't say anything bad about his ex girlfriends or rumors, the same man who won't say american girls are hotter than British girls because he doesn't like to objectify women, the same man who bought over 1000 sandwiches to give to the homeless on the streets and he continues to amaze me. I bet there is a lot more things that he has done that we don't know about. Media only focuses on the bad and I'm sick of it. I know that just because he hangs out with a girl doesn't automatically mean they're dating. Honestly Harry Styles deserves himself. No one deserves him he's too selfless. I just had to rant about this. I would really love to meet him so much. Tell him everything good or little that he's done I want to say thank you. Knowing him he'd probably say no thank you, because he might think he only benefits from doing what he does when he brings joy and happiness to all of the Directioner family. I'm thankful, and he's more thankful. That's just who Harry Styles is. And I hope everyone can see it just as well as I can.

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