Road Trip

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"Spencer, it's been awhile."

The name came out like a whisper, as Spencer looker into a face of melancholy. Malcom stood awkwardly not sure whether to put his hands in his pockets or not. Spencer noticed this and only after a second of hesitation did he embrace his old friend.

Spencer's hug pinned Malcom's arms to his side, leaving the sociopath in another awkward position.

"I'm guessing rough day at work." muttered Malcom.

"Rough couple of months actually" replied Spencer still in a bear hug.

"If I could cheer you up, will you let me go?"

"Mhhmn, I don't know. This hug is keeping from falling off the edge" said Spencer jokingly.

"Come on, at least let me try to hug you back." Sighed Malcom.

"You two love birds about done," said a tanned, kinky haired mathematician.

"Hey Charlie," Spencer murmured from the crook of Malcom's neck. "Is Mouse and Neal there too?" Asked the tired doctor not even looking up.

"They're already at the clubhouse." Said Malcom.

"Hurry up, you guys might be sharing body heat but Virginia is not as warm as I like it." Said Charlie shivering with only a thin jacket on.

"Comhere," mutter Spencer as he looked up to stare Charlie in his eyes.

Charlie took this opportunity to make the New Yorker suffer. He opened his arms wide and encapsulated both profilers.

"I hate both of you" said Malcom in soft and caring voice to flaunt his skills in sarcasm.

"Alright" said Malcom breaking off from the hug, "we should get going"

"How'd you guys even get here," asked Spencer knowing full well neither of two could drive.

"A chauffeur,"

"ObVioUslY" said Charlie mocking the rich boy.

"Obviously." said Spencer as he cracked a smile.

"Hurry up, this place is giving me ptsd," said Malcom getting into a black SUV that had just pulled up.

They drove for an hour playing random word games and other childish games. Malcom sat in the last row while Spencer and Charlie day in the middle.

"Oh gawd, stop, I can't do this anymore," said Spencer holding his stomach.

He looks over at Charlie to see him on the floor of the car in tears.

The driver tried to keep a straight face, but all that did him was a couple extra wrinkles.

"Don't worry you won't ever hear me say it again." Replied Malcom with a cynical smile.

"Man that physically hurt," sighed Charlie,

"It will physically and emotionally hurt more when I murder you with talcum," said Malcom holding back a cackle.

"Your serial killer name" started Spencer as he started convulsing in fits of laughter " will be canonically dubbed the talcum murderer."

Another bout of laughter came from the trio. But the laughter was cut short as they pulled up to a car dealership.
They filed out of the car, and was met by a valet handing handing them a key to hot pink convertible he had just pulled up next to the SUV.

Malcom and Charlie took the back seats and the valet handed Spencer the keys.

"Seriously, you couldn't have picked a less inconspicuous car," said Spencer throwing daggers at Malcom with his stare knowing that he was the only one who could set it up.

Seemingly rehearsed, in unison Malcom and Charlie whipped out a pair of sun glasses

"It's not like we're driving," said Charlie showing off his Californian smile.

"It's not like you can." Said Spence as he hoped in the driver's seat.

"I've got the perfect song for our road trip." Said Charlie as he connected his phone to the car's Bluetooth.

The three rolled down the highway at astonishing speeds screaming their heads off to the theme of Little Einsteins.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2020 ⏰

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