chapter 35

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i heard her cuss through the bathroom door. shaking my head, i fucking laughed.

"this isn't funny!" her voice muffled, i still heard the trace of fear in it. i pushed the door open. she jumped and dropped the box. i picked it up and stepped into her personal space.

"not a joke to me, babe."

"i know." she looked anywhere but at me.

i tipped her chin. "i'm not gonna let you go through anything alone."

"there isn't anything to go through."

there was a fucking pregnancy test on the counter. i stared at her, silently calling her on her bullshit. she snatched up the box. "fine. point made."

i touched my lips to her forehead and reiterated my promise. "not alone." stepping back, i turned toward the door.

"how'd you know?"

i looked over my shoulder at her. "know what?"

looking vulnerable as fuck, she shrugged like this wasn't a loaded fucking conversation. "how i feel—about being alone."

i was an eighteen-year-old kid shooting an m4 in afghanistan before she was making movies. i had my brothers downrange, she had her costars, but the irony wasn't lost on me that we both flew solo.

this shit, her and i, it was the last thing i was looking for. but standing here, i didn't wanna be anyplace else. her question, my reasons, the situation, all of it—i could sum it up in three words. "lock and key."

"lock and key." she whispered, biting her bottom lip.

i had to step back before i said fuck it with the damn test and took her. "take the test." i quietly ordered.

with a nod, she shut the door. inhaling, i walked across the room, grabbed my phone, and fired off a text to azul.

me: need me another week.

i rationalised i needed time to bring her back to miami and get her settled, but in truth, i just wanted to fuck her, sleep next to her and watch her eat with her hands. azul replied instantly.

azul: okay. tell her thanks for the interview.

me: mhm.

azul: u good?

me: yeah.

azul: too early to haze you?

me: fuck you.

azul: lol.

i didn't reply. a few seconds later, he sent another text.

azul: so. love, huh?

me: not having this convo.

azul: that interview was viewed by millions. you ready for this?

me: again, not having this convo.

azul: she okay?

i didn't have time to answer. she stepped up behind me and placed the pregnancy test on the table in front of me. my heart fucking stopped and i stared.

she was pregnant. with my kid.

"i, um—" her voice broke.

i turned and wrapped my arms around her tight.
she started in surprise then her arms went around my neck and she held me tight.

Scandalous - Michael B JordanWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt