Chapter 1 : Like A Shadow

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Nikkole's POV
I sat in the back of Bonnie's car while we were driving to school and sighed as I looked out the window, letting a smile grace my face as I seen a bird fly by my side of the car. I was tuning out Bonnie for once because all she was going on and on about was how grams had said that she was psychic and that she had ancestors from Salem. I believe in the supernatural but I'm not sure if I believe in witches, other things yes but not too much witches. I was brought out of my thoughts by Bonnie saying "I know crazy but she's going on and on about it, and I'm like put this woman in a home already!" My face was probably 50 shades of red as I glared at her. "That was really mean Bon. You should be more respectful to grams!"
Elena huffed at me and rolled her eyes before turning to look at me, "Why do you care Nikkole? It's not like grams is your actual grandma and Bonnie isn't your actual sister. So why don't you be quiet over things you don't get." She had just turned around when Bonnie swerved as a crow flew towards the windshield causing myself to grip the seatbelt tight and breathes as calmly as I can.

See the thing Elena refuses to tell anyone about the night of the car crash that had taken her parents was that I was in the car too. The only difference between her and I was that I was able to get out by climbing out my open window. I would have helped Elena but there was someone else there that night. He saved her but that's all I knew because I got out as quick as I could and swam to the surface. I got out and headed back to town but of course Elena was ms attention whore so she had the paramedics and so many things. Nobody knows but me and Elena and that's how I'd like it to stay. We ended up getting to school quickly and then we went our separate ways. I headed to my first class, bumping into this guy and when I looked up to yell at him I froze seeing the guy from the water.

" this can't be happening..." I backed up my eyes wide and then turned running off down the hall with him following behind me telling me to wait.  I hid inside a closet and watched him run by the door, thinking I was safe I let out a shaky breath of relief before freezing at the sound of his voice on the other side of the door. He opened and stepped in the janitors closet before closing the door. "You can't tell anyone what you saw that night. I wasn't supposed to be in town then. I trust you to keep this a secret, Ms. Bennett?" I stared at him before looking down giving a nod. "You can trust me. I don't want anyone to know I was there that night anyways. Too many questions would asked that I don't want to answer. Now can you please me go?"

He nodded and let me out, I turned and quickly ran to the bathroom. I walked into the back stall and ran my fingers through my hair as I ran over the encounter just a few minutes ago. I sat in that stall till the bell rang and I headed to my first hour class.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2020 ⏰

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