"Where is she?" Edward asked Warwick in a low, threatening tone and his cousin remained silent, "If you have harmed a single hair upon her head, I shall kill you and George myself."

"No, we've had no luck in finding her. She is neither in the Tower of London nor at Bedford Castle. Some of my men even say she's fled to France," Warwick explained and Edward began to smile in satisfaction.

"It seems you'll never know," Edward remarked, shrugging his shoulders without a care in the world.

"You know, if we find her, your precious mistress will not be the only one who is killed. Your sons and daughters will be as well. For if the marriage George speaks of it is true—" Warwick began to explain at that moment, Edward finally snapped.

"Now, that, dear cousin, is treason," Edward growled at Warwick, beginning to glare at him hatefully.

He took a deep breath, beginning to calm down as he gestured around the room. "As is this. But if I must hold court at Warwick castle..." He trailed off, taking a seat at the large dining room table, "Then you may bring me some venison and some small ale so I may eat at your expense as I run my kingdom! Is that clear to you?" He paused, grinning up at Warwick, "Yes, and bring me brother George as I have words to say to him regarding my mistress."

Hearing a dog bark, Edward turned his head, seeing Warwick's dog run by with Anne and Isabel quick to chase after it. "Ah!" Edward shouted out, rising to his feet while the two girls looked uneasy, "Brother George's new wife Isabel married without my consent. I do hope you're not expecting loyalty from him, for when he finds out your father is trying to harm dear Nora, it won't settle well with him. I've seen my brother's lingering gaze on her longer than your father has been attempting to have you wed to him."

"Get them in there! Go!" Warwick shouted and the two girls were quick to flee the room while Edward laughed loudly in amusement.


Days later, at Warwick Castle, Edward anxiously paced the room he was being held in. He suddenly stopped, however, when he heard the horses outside. He walked toward the window, immediately opening it when he saw George outside sitting on horseback alongside Warwick.

"George, you coward!" Edward screamed out the window in order for his brother to hear him, "Come and face me like a man!" He continued on and George tried his best to ignore him, "Don't hide behind our cousin! George! Does our mother know about this?! I don't think she'd be so happy if she knew you were planning to help Warwick kill her grandchildren and her precious Nora!"

"Damn you, Edward!" George finally shouted, turning to glare at his brother from afar, "I'll not allow that Rivers witch upon the throne, and you've been no king since you first dipped your wick in her!"

  Edward studied George closely, realizing how his younger brother had completely refused to admit what was going to happen to Nora. He could have even sworn he saw a hint of surprise in his brother's expression.

Had he not known?

"George," Warwick demanded sternly, trying to gain his cousin's attention.

"Off to Parliament, Warwick? To try and force the crown on George's head?!" Edward continued to shout, only to watch as they ignored him rode away.



   Days passed since then and in Wales, Nora had been asleep in her chambers at Pembroke castle. It was dark in her room, but the moment she felt a light shine on her in her sleep, she woke up.

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