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Raylan was tied to a tree trying to move out of the way of the Louisville slugger that kept heading his way. Raylan was still sore from the initial hit whilst he was still on the ground and being held up by just the one foot wasn't helping ease the pain. Boyd got Dickies attention when he said I don't know whether to shot him now or let him take a couple more swings first.

Raylans response came as a mumbled groan.

Boyd said look here Dickie cut him down now before I shot your brains out.

Dickie stated alright, alright.

Dickie cut the rope which resulted in Raylan falling to the ground. Boyd walked towards Dickie with the gun pointed at Dickie and said now you shot Ava and I might just be able to forget that because she's going to be fine but when I come to talk to you and find you beating my good friend deputy Marshall and well Dickie I'm not sure that was a good move for you because you have given me no choice but to fire a bullet into your skull.

Dickie put his hands up and said Raylan you can't let him do this.

Raylan looked up from where he laid sprawled on the ground unmoving from where he had fallen to. Raylan attempted to push himself up but all he could manage was to get a few centimeters up before he fell back down to the ground. Dickie laughed see what the bat does to you.

Boyd snarled I think you have forgotten Dickie that I have a gun pointed at you so shut up before I make you.

Dickie questioned what are you going to do kill me in front of the Marshall so he can put you away.

Boyd stated I have shot men in front of him before much less deserving of a bullet than you and plus in his state do you actually believe he can give a valid statement. It will just be my word against yours Dickie and since dead men can't talk I think people might be inclined to believe me.

Dickie asked alright what can I do to stop you from shooting me.

Boyd smirked now that's more like it, why did Raylan come here.

Dickie stated he was looking for a girl called Loretta thought he could get a lead or two from here.

Boyd said and was he correct in assuming that.

Dickie nodded yeah man that lives here drove her some of the way and left her at a gas station, although by now I reckon she's at my mamas by now.

Boyd stated alright Dickie help Raylan up and take him to my car, anything stupid and I shoot you.

Dickie lifted Raylan up off the ground and snarled come on you know I can't support both of us on my bad knee.

Boyd growled well you are going to have to Dickie, your the reason he can't walk so you are going to have carry him or god damn it I'll shoot you right now.

Raylan mumbled something incoherent.

Boyd warned be carefully with him Dickie cause if you hurt him, I'll hurt you.

Dickie lifted Raylan up who just became a dead weight in his arms. When they finally reached the car Dickie placed Raylan in the back and then Boyd instructed him to get in the front and drive. Boyd sat in the passengers seat holding the gun to Dickies head whilst constantly checking on Raylan.

Raylan was starting to become more coherent but he'd been hit pretty hard in the head and Boyd was sure he at least had a severe concussion. By the time Dickie pulled up to his house Raylan was sitting up in the seat although he didn't say a word. Boyd passed him his gun and asked what do you want me to do Raylan.

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