When we got there he ran inside, I locked the car and followed him. When I found him he had two plushies in his arms and he ran to another, I'm going to be broke at this rate.

"How many are you getting baby" I asked him and he just shrugged

After ten  minutes he was done and I had four plushies in my arms while he had another three "Why do you need so many you already have a lot at your place"

"Because you can never have enough and I'm sad" He pouted cutely at the end

"Fine let's go pay" He smiled and walked of to the counter 

We got back to the car and all the plushies went in the back, I was tempted to put them in the front and Renjun in the back but I didn't

We stopped to pick up some food because we got hungry again, when we got back to his place it was 11:40 so I had some time with him.

We took the plushie to his room and added them to his collection, we sat down on his bed and I put on some music, I texted Jeno to come here now and he got there in ten minutes, it seems like he ran

"What happened did someone die" He was panting, I chuckled, Renjun ran up to him and hugged him, we he pulled away Jeno saw the bruises 

"Who the fuck did this too you so I can beat there face in" He said calmly, which was scarier that if he would have said it angrily.

"It was his bitch of a dad" I whispered to him, he nodded knowing he can't do anything to him.

"I have to go but I'll see you guys tomorrow okay love you bye" they kissed me an I ran out of the house, I texted my mum saying I would be home late and drove down the street to the house Jia told me about. I sat in my car for a while thinking if I should even go, I decided that I should go.

I stood in front of the front door for a minute before I rang the doorbell, it took a minute but a lady opened the door

"Hello how can I help you dear" She said sweetly, she looks like Jia maybe it's Renjun's mum

"I was looking for someone"

"Who maybe I can help you" I took a deep breath

"I don't know her name but her sisters name is Jia" The lady stopped smiling, she looked sad

"How do you know my sister" She was still being nice, just more of a protective tone was in her voice

"She is the maid for my boyfriend Renjun" She stopped everything and I saw tears forming in her eyes

"Maybe you should come in then" She moved to the side and let me in, her house was just as beautiful as Renjun's and just as big.

She guided me to the living room and sat me down, "What do you know about the story"

"That you got pregnant at sixteen Renjun's father cheated on you so you ran with Renjun and then he found you threatened you so you had to leave and that's it" She sighed

"Yes that is what happened but there I one more thing that my sister didn't know" I asked what it was, she took a minute but answered

"He never cheated on me I found out how he became such a successful business man in the span of a year, he killed his way to the top" She had tears falling from her eyes

"And when I confronted him he started abusing me so one day I ran but he found me and took Renjun gave me millions of dollars to disappear so I did" She was sobbing when she finished, I didn't know whether I should comfort her or not.

I walked over to her and hugged her, she cried into my shoulder for what felt like forever.

"I'm sorry I ruined your shirt" There was tears, mascara and eye shadow

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