Chapter One: To exist...

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They existed.

They were not born but created.

They had a soul, but such a small fragment that emotions were faded and hard to feel.

Pale eyelights opened, to an endless white of the anti-void.

Get to work Useless!

The voices of the anti-void screamed.

They stepped forward knowing there.

'What the hell' Error thought, he was pretty sure he was sealed.


This Au.. was so broken

Codes ending in strange places, glitches glitching and so many viruses.

Error had never allowed any Au to get this far.

He reached up o pull out his strings, and paused.

A small white hand was there, not his glitched black bones and color dipped fingers.

A child's hands.


It was clearly his own.

What had fate done now?

When he summoned his magic he stared.

That was definitely not strings.

He shivered, and felt Fates commands grab his bones.

The Destroyer did there job.

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