Yoongi's father sits in his bedroom and watched TV. He's not dressed for the wedding yet. Du shakes her head at him in the mirror as she puts on her earrings. 

Grandma knock on the door to Jimin's room and goes inside. Jimin is suited up in the altered ancient suit, and hair and makeup all done. Everything looks amazing.

"If I were one to brag, I'd say that suit is perfect." Areum gushes.

"Matches the shoes." Jimin nods his head to the ground, and shows Areum the shoes he has on, the same ones he arrived here in and everyone thought were too over the top. Now they sure do come in handy.

Areum smiles. "You ready?"

With the ocean in the background, about two hundred guests sit in white chairs. Yoongi stands under a gazebo, and smiles at his mother in the front row. He ignores his father. Gab-Do sits nearby, next to Guk. From the gazebo, Yoongi nods at a group of cello players, who begin playing from downloaded sheet music that reads 'Taeyang - Eyes, Nose, Lips.' Heads turn with the start of the music, to see Areum walk Jimin down the aisle. 

When Jimin recognizes the song, he smiles, mouthing to Yoongi. "Nice song."

Yoongi shrugs his shoulders.

"Is that your song, dear?" Areum whispers up at Jimin.

"I guess so." Jimin and Areum stop at the end of the aisle. Looking up, Jimin sees the justice of the peace, Rosito. (Yes, the same guy from the liquor store and the strip club.)

He smiles at Jimin and speak quietly. "It's me, Rosito."

Jimin just nods his head, indicating that he remembers him, and then bends down to give Areum a kiss, before turning to face Yoongi. They whisper while they walk up to Rosito.

"You look gorgeous."

Jimin smiles, feeling the blush come up to his cheeks. "You look disgusting."

"So, is this what you dreamed of when you were a little boy?"

"Oh, you bet." 

They make it to the Gazebo, where Rosito awaits. He smiles at the two of them before raising his voice louder to speak to the crowd. "We are gathered here today to celebrate one of life's greatest moments. To give recognition to the beauty, honesty, and unselfish ways..." 

Jimin looks at Yoongi on the word 'unselfish', but he's looking straight ahead, determined to get through this.

Rosito continues. "...of Yoongi and Jimin's true love..."

'True Love' gets Jimin as well, although no one in the audience notices.

"...before their family and friends."

'Family and Friends' gets a reaction out of Gab-Do and Gook. Gab-Do purses his lips and and Yoongi's father holds onto his chair in order to keep himself seated.

"For it is family and friends who taught Yoongi and Jimin to love, so it is only right that family and friends all celebrate that love here today." Rosito takes a breath before carrying on. "And if there is anyone who has cause why this couple should not be united in marriage and love, they must speak now or forever hold their peace."

Guk stays quiet. Gook takes a tug from a flask. Rosito is about to continue, but something gets his attention. He's not sure what to do. "Jimin, do you have a question?"

Jimin has his hand halfway up, eyes squinted shut like the new kid in class not sure of himself. "No."

"Then why is your hand up?"

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