Gerards life story

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I sat on my bed with Gerard. He sat in front of me so he could stretch his broken leg. I was behind him playing with his hair.

"Have i e-ever told you about m-me when i was younger?"
"No, i don't think so anyway."

8 Years ago Gerards POV

"Happy Birthday dear Gerard, happy birthday to you!" My family sung.

Finally, my 11th birthday had arrived. The day where i didn't have to worry about my health or anything else. I wasn't a well child, i was always getting sick. I was so different to the other kids, mostly the boys. 5th Grade was never going to be easy for me with my conditions, but my life was so complicated which made everything so much harder for me, my family and friends. I say friends, but i didn't have many. I was always picked last to be on a team in gym class, I sat alone at lunch and i never had someone to talk to, because i was so different compared to everyone else. I was constantly in and out of school for doctors appointments, just because be honest i wasn't sure. I never knew what was going on, thats how confusing and complicated my life and health was. Thats why i loved birthdays, i could push away all my health problems and doctors appointments for one day. Sure, it all went back to normal the next day, but it was a break nonetheless. I was incredibly smart for my age and i was ahead of everyone in my class. I was also really good at art. I think thats the only reason people bothered to speak to me; so i could draw them. It gave me something to do when i was at home, sick, in bed, bored.

After my birthday celebrations i went back upstairs into bed. I pulled out my homework from my bag. Ah fudge! It had to be spelling.

Cover the word and spell it. Paha! As if it was that simple for me.

The word was difficulty.

Difikulltey Nope

I may not get it first time, but i get there in the end.

Next word, Philidelphia

Ahhh, can never get this one right.


I can't do this. I scoffed and just copied it.


I mean, its not like the teacher would know.

I pushed my homework away and gave up. I can't do it anymore. Its all so difficult. My mom offered homeschooling but i always wanted to try to make friends, never worked. I really wanted to be homeschooled at this point. It was embarrassing when the teacher asked me to answer or to spell something and i get it wrong in front everyone. Or when i had my extra classes that lasted longer than the normal school day. It was embarrassing to get up half way through class to go to my "special education" class. It was such an intemidating place too. If i failed then i'd be shouted at. I couldn't help being slower at learning than other people. The classes were an attempt to improve my spelling and to fix my speech impediments. I couldn't pronounce my Rs or my Ls properly, i couldn't even say my name properly. Oh hello, what's your name? M-My n-name is G-Gewawd Way. Thats why i'd always write on paper when someone spoke to me. To avoid people making fun of stupid, stuttering voice. Its not like that helped, i couldn't spell. That's why i had no friends, i couldn't communicate. Well i could, but not very well, i chose not to. What was weird was i was super smart and artistic, yet i couldn't speak or write properly. I also played instruments and i could sing, really well. It was like my speech difficulties just disappeared when i was singing. It was so weird

Present, Franks POV

"So you got over your speech problems then?"
"N-not properly. I still h-have a stutter, b-but theres no h-help for that. Just p-practice not stuttering."
"What about your hearing problems?"
"I only s-started developing h-hearing difficulties a few months ago."
"I feel so bad for you."
"I'm a-adjusted to it n-now. I can w-write without having t-to use a grip o-or having someone e-else to write for me, and i-i'm fine talking t-to people now. My s-stutter just gets a-annoying for other p-people."
"Nah, it's cute."

Gerard tilted his head up.
"Could y-you help me g-get rid of m-my stutter?"
"I suppose t-the way i got r-rid of my other speech p-problems, a lot of r-reading out loud."
"I guess so."
He smiled and kissed my lips gently.

1 Year ago Gerards POV

"Hey Gerard! H-how are y-you d-doing to-today? W-wheres wittle bwuva M-Mikey?"
I was used to people laughing at me, it's always happened to me. It just annoyed me when people pretended to be me. Making fun of my speech problems, but i had got over most of them when i was 13.

"Fuck off and leave him alone!" My younger brother Mikey shouted.
Despite only being 13, he always had my back. I can remember one time he beat up a kid his age for making fun of me because of how weak i was. I can't remember exactly what happened, but i was trying push a swing at the park and i got hit with it, knocking me out. All the kids there made fun of me for months on end.

Present, Franks POV

"Its a shame, really. You're this sweet, beautiful, loving boy and everyones just being total dicks to you."
"I wouldn't s-say beautiful. I'm weird, f-freaky and just...i don't k-know, just a creepy 17 year old w-with a few problems."
"Naw, you're sweet. So, um, do you still go to these doctors appointments?"
"Yeah, you r-remember the other w-week, i wasn't at s-school Tuesday, i w-was in the hospital for a-an appointment. It's nothing serious, i p-promise."

I nodded and snuggled Gerard.
"Whens your next appointment?"
"T-tomorrow, for other things. My l-leg and my hearing."
"Do you want me to come?"
"I...yeah. W-why not."

I smiled and kissed Gerards forehead.


1088 words

Cancer. Gerard Way x Frank IeroWhere stories live. Discover now