Background Info/Important Stuff

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     Arandur is the second and youngest daughter to Galadriel and Celeborn. Her name is pronounced Are-ahn-dur. She has been hidden to everyone but the elves and is known for her great beauty and power over the elements. Arandur is also called Aran by Elrond and Gandalf. Her parents keep her hidden because they know anyone can easily fall for her.

     She is considered short for her kin, being closer to the size to a dwarve (shorter than Thorin.) She spent much of her life growing up with Legolas, Tauriel, and Beorn, but spending most of her time learning how to be a warrior. Arandur is known as "pure" and being untouched.

She is known for doing things that aren't the best or smartest at the time, but she doesn't know better because she has seen little of the world. She once had feelings for Legolas but started to despise him when she found out she would be forced to marry him. Arandur is kind to nature and respects what it gives the elves.

     The elvish words were taken from and the name is just my name in elvish taken from

{______} speaking in minds/whatever you want to call it

~______~ black speech

*______* elvish

^______^ Khuzdul

-Celeborn Lord of Lothlórien - Father/Ada

-Galadriel Lady of Lothlórien - Mother/Naneth

-Lothlórien - place of birth and home

-Odran - horse's name. White and grey spots

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