9: May 10th of 1994

Start from the beginning

"Monique. Her real name was Monique," Stefan answered me.

"Now go take care of Monique. I have your son to babysit," I smiled. It was kind of fake but it was hard to smile when I felt stressed out. Matt then picked up Monique's body, Stefan helping him load it into the bed of his pick up truck.

I went into my car, getting in the backseat to check on Mav. Once Matt was gone, I needed to talk to Stefan. Alone. Matt's truck eventually pulled away while I was playing with Maverick who was awake again. The two of us taking selfies to send to his mommy when she was back in the present year.

A tap on the window caught my attention. Stefan was staring at us. I got out the car carefully, keeping Maverick on my hip. "So... care to tell me the truth, Stef?" I asked him, pursing my lips.

"St-stef," Maverick repeated, smiling big and wide. I winced, watching Stefan's eyes move to the baby. He was shocked and excited. A grin coming to his face.

"Did he just...?" He trailed off and I nodded.

"Yeah. He knows the words mama, dada, Stef, and no. Lucky you," I grumbled. "Want to hold him? He's heavy."

Stefan chuckled before taking the baby into his arms and letting him rest against his chest. "Hi, buddy," he smiled at the one year old. "You've gotten so big."

"You missed months and months," I pointed out. He looked over at me momentarily before continuing to play with the baby. I tried to keep my heart from clenching at the adorable sight. Maverick was ecstatic with Uncle Stefan's presence. He was giggling nonstop as Stefan cooed and tickled his feet.

"Don't you want one?" Stefan asked. My head shot up from looking at my phone. Stefan was smiling softly at me.

"One what?" I asked hesitantly.

"A baby," he grinned. "We could have one."

"We do have one. That one. A nephew."

"I meant one of our own who didn't have to go back to Elena and Matt," Stefan retorted.

"No. The luxury is that he does go back to Elena and Matt so we—I can have alone time."

"I don't want to give him back," Stefan pouted looking down at Maverick. My nephew was pulling at the collar of his shirt with one hand and the other was pressed to Stefan's sexy jaw.

I groaned and took the baby back. Enough dad-like cuteness. "We're not getting a baby because we're not even back together," I told him.

"Are you still mad at me?" He sighed, running a hand through his soft brown hair. Jesus Christ he was so hot.

"Yes," I said. I frowned as Maverick squirmed in my arms, pouting and reaching for Stefan. Oh, you better not. His eyes were filling with tears now. "No, don't cry," I whispered.

A sob left Maverick's lips. No! I bounced him gently in my arms and tried shushing him. But he only cried harder. "Let me," Stefan said, coming to stand next to me. I reluctantly gave him the crying child.

Maverick quickly settled down, sticking his thumb in his mouth and laying his head on Stefan's shoulder. I sighed, rolling my eyes. What a traitor. Stefan bounced him gently and my stomach filled with butterflies. Okay, so maybe the idea of kids grew on me. I mean, I loved Maverick. He was family. And I really did enjoy spending time with him. But until now, seeing Stefan so natural with a baby in his arms, pushed me over the ledge. I wanted my own. I wanted a baby? Wow. Um... Ideally with Stefan. My husband.

"What are you smiling at?" Stefan asked me.

I shook my head, trying to rid of the thoughts. I forced the smile away and answered his question with a question, "who is Sarah Salvatore?"

Kenzie Gilbert: The Tormented Twin (6)Where stories live. Discover now