"Okay." I flopped down on the big bed and made myself comfortable under the comforter. After all, it had been a long plane ride.


"Yo, Hollands. Wakey wakey, sunshine. We have an hour and a half before our transport gets here." Keenan shook me awake.

I sat up immediately. Filled with excitement I rushed for the bathroom to get ready much to the Keenan's amusement.

"This is so exciting!"

"You say that about everything." Keenan commented which I agreed to.

He was all ready in his Bermuda pants and black cotton shirt that clearly outlined his fit frame.

"Knock knock Holland."

"I've given up trying to ignore you whenever you get into your infamous knock knock moods. So who's there?"


"Hatch who?"

"Bless you." He smirked as the tissue box thumped against my chest. I glared at the annoying young adult seating on the bed, grinning cheekily at me.

"You're such a pain in my butt."

"I could massage you, if you would like?"

"Ew you're such a perv."

"And you're not?"

"No of course not."

"Yeah right."

I confirmed the car plate before we climbed into the large four by four seater car that was parked by the hotel. We drove through the beautiful city filled with tall skyscrapers and apartment buildings before we had a change of scenery. Lined against the road were fruit carts and street stores. The sidewalk was filled with people rushing about to shop for their needed items. In a blink of an eye, we were met with the bronze colour of the unending desert sand.

We stopped right in front of a barn with fence surrounding its perimeter. There were camels roaming about within the fence and a small equipment shed by the side of the huge barn. I got out of the car, wobbling about due to the long drive out. Keenan reached out to support me.

"You alright?" He asked, concern lining his features.

"Uh, yeah, yeah. Just a little dizzy, that's all." Had I forgotten to take my medicine? "Keenan, could you get the tour guide first? I booked a private tour under my name. Thanks." I turned away from him. He looked quizzically at me before striding into the barn.

I expertly shook two tablets from the yellow and blue containers and one from the green one. Dropping the tablets into my mouth, I drank a huge gulp of water and finished consuming all in under five seconds, just a beat before Keenan came back into view with an older man behind.

"Hello! You must be Holland. Oh my, you are one beautiful woman." He turned to Keenan smiling widely. "You are a lucky man Keenan." 

Keenan smiled politely.

"Oh no. We are not-"

"Alright, no need to be shy. Anyway, I'm Khalid and I'll be your tour guide for today." He lowered his glasses and looked at my reservation information.

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