"Oh..." Pioli said. "And apparently you're not so over this woman. Listen, I don't want to say lies to deceive you, but trust me, what's meant to be, it will be. It may sound like another stupid phrase right now, but it will get better, Ante."

"Maybe I should have fought more for her..." Ante muttered, playing with his fingers.

"Ante, there are two people in a relationship." Pioli said. "It could never work if only one of them is trying." He then got up. "C'mon, let's go back to training."

Ante nodded. "Thank you, Coach!"

The older man smiled. "Anytime, Ante!"

The moment got interrupted by Theo whistling in appreciation.

"Hernandez!" Pioli called him, gesturing him to get closer. "What was that for?"

Theo laughed. "Sorry, Coach! Just a blonde stepping in to watch our training! Look Ante, she has your jersey!"

Ante's curiosity was too big to simply not look.

And he couldn't believe in his eyes and on what they were seeing.

"It's her..." he muttered to Pioli, who smiled.

"You have two minutes. Go talk to her and then you come back to training!" Pioli said, for then watching Hernandez. "Don't do that ever again."

Meanwhile, Ante didn't waist anytime in approaching her. He smiled seeing her still wearing his jersey. She was almost unrecognisable, with a pair of big sunglasses and a sport hat, but Ante would have always recognised her. Always.

"What a pleasant surprise!" He said as he laid his arms on the little wall which separated the pitch from the benches. "Here to give me the official invite to the royal wedding?"

"Then you'd better give me a ring!" She laughed, waving her blonde hair. "And to answer your question, I'm here for you. Sooner or later I should have come to your trainings here in Milan!"

"Do you..." Ante couldn't help but laugh for happiness. "Oh god, wait for the end of training?"

"Obviously! Must watch how next Ballon D'Or dedicating me a goal!" She smiled.

At that point, Ante couldn't contain himself anymore. He cupped her face into his hands and gave her a fast kiss on the lips. "Every goal I make is for you!" He kissed her again. "See you later, so I can kiss you better!"

Ivana couldn't help but smile, feeling her cheeks on fire, as she watched him going back on the pitch with his teammates, not before giving a playfully kick to the man who whistled at her.

"Ciao!" A petite brunette girl approached her with a smile.

"Ciao!" Ivana said back with a smile. She took few Italian lessons back in Croatia, but she couldn't exactly say she was already ready to speak it. "Fan?"

"Also!" The girl laughed before pointing at the young goalkeeper, Donnarumma. "He's my boyfriend!"

"Oh, he's a giant!" The blonde couldn't help but say. "I mean, I think everyone saw who's mine!" She let out a laugh. "I'm Ivana, nice to meet you!"

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