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-Your POV-

I sat on the ground, next to Zack's unconscious body on the couch, with a knife in hand. It's been a few hours since the lady left, so I've been keeping a close eye on the outsides, making sure that no one would come in and search. Out of no where, my mind drifted off into a day dream. Zack and I.

We were in some cabin out on the woods. Just the two of us. We looked.... Happy.

The front door began to make noises, so I swiftly moved next to it. After the door opened and the person walked in, I placed the knife against their throat. It was that girl that treated our wounds. "Are you alone?" I asked as I took a peek outside.

"Y-yes... I-I really dont bring people here-" I removed the knife and she closed the door, locking it behind. "Y-Your supposed to be resting! You wound could reopen." She speaks up.

"I'll be fine..." I said and walked back towards Zack. The nurse walked to the kitchen an began doing something. I kept my eyes on her while still holding the knife. She was preparing tea, then took out two cups and poured some in them.

"Here, it will help you relax." She offered me the cup of tea. I cautiously took it from her hand and placed it on the coffee table so it would cool off a little bit. "So-" she began. I didnt looked at her. "-you two are the killers who ran away from Jail..." I sat there, staring at the floor.

"Mind your own bussiness... just because we didnt killed you it doesnt mean we trust you..." I said and then looked at Zack.

What will happen next? "S-Sorry. I didnt meant to act that way... it's just that. You spared my life..." she looks down, it seems she was sad.

"We didnt killed you because we didnt wanted people to suspect we were here...." I put the knife down and began drinking the tea. Honestly, it was the best tea I've ever had. "Thanks for the tea..." I said quietly and she seemed to smile.

"If you want food, just let me know, I can make almost anything!" As she said that, Zack began groaning and moving his torso. I jumped on my feet and kept my eyes on him.

"God damn, everything hurts...." he tries to sit up and fails on his own.

"Wait! You have to be careful!" The nurse speaks as she rushed to help him. I grabbed the knife once again and held it tightly. The girl just helped him sit up straight and then moved away from him. "Your wounds could still get an infection, so I think uts best if you showered... I can prepare him a bath, you can help him out..." she looks at me. I raised an eyebrow confused until it hit me. The thought of me showering Zack made me feel embarrassed. My cheeks began heating up and I looked away.

"Why cant you do it?!" I questioned her annoyed.

"Well, I'm guessing he would feel more comfortable with you..." she had a point. The lady walked away as I helped Zack stand up gently.

"Where are we? What happened?" He asked.

"You've been passed out, and we are in a place we can stay in for now..." I avoided looking at him, but it was obvious he was looking at me. We walked little by little until we made it to the bathroom. The nurse had filled in the tub with warm water, then as soon as she noticed us, she helped me with Zack by removing his jacket.

After she had left, I began to undo his bandages, revealing his skin. I somehow felt curious about what had happened to Zack in the past, why these marks? Burnt marks to be specific. "Sorry..." he says, I looked up at him confused.

"What?" I said and threw the bandages to the trashcan. I noticed a first aid kit on top of the sink, the lady must have left it there for us.

"For betraying you like I did...." I wasn't really shocked. Why did I even saved him after that?

It's because I still love him....



Another update!!! I wanted to upload much earlier, but seriously, this quarantine has turned me into an antisocial, all I do is avoid human communication and watch anime all night long while I sleep all day long XD
Obviously I work in a mini market, so sometimes I do communicate with humans!

Anyways, your comments is what actually motivates me to keep writting, so thank you so much for all the love and support!!!
I wanna draw a fanart of Zack, so should I?
And also, I need a name for the Nice lady who is helping Zack and (y,n)... any name requests you guys have??

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