Chanyeol furrowed his eyebrows. "Kai?," he began to think about it for a while. "Well I can say he is a nice guy, if he promised something he will surely do anything to keep it."

"If he started to care about someone he will make sure to do anything for that person, you know?"

Sehun frowned and as he turned around, Chanyeol was looking at him with a fond stares. There was no lies that he could see from it.

"Sehun, trust me."

Chanyeol announced those with a really stern voice. No doubt that what he said was the truth about Kai.

"But can he likes someone like me?," Sehun truckled down and thought about the possibilities. "He can find someone that even better to be with him than me," he said those.

"Then be the better person for him," Chanyeol retorted. "Even if I'm sure that Kai fell for you because of you now," his words could make no answer came from Sehun.

Sehun only let out a deep sigh. He admitted that but what he needed to do now?

Chanyeol rolled his eyes in annoyance before his eyes caught the latter's cellphone on the table. Without waiting any longer, he snatched it away and started dialling something on it.

"Hyung, what are you doing?," the younger asked and he was feeling the slight of uneasiness right now.

Chanyeol shot a smile before he handed the cellphone to its original owner. "Now you don't have to think about anything, let me handle everything for you," he stated.

Sehun was unsure with that so he looked at the thing inside his hand before his eyes widened in surprised. "Park Chanyeol!," he exclaimed loudly.

"You just invite him for dinner tonight?!"

While the other was just laughing out in joy. "You don't have to worry about Taeyong, he can stay with us for tonight," he stated that and stood up from his seat.

Sehun was still in his major shock. He stood up right away and followed the elder. "But what do I need to do with him?," he questioned.

Chanyeol sighed out. "Eat, talk, walk around," he said. "Get to know each other more," he responded calmly like he did not even do anything.

"What should I talk about with him?!," Sehun was not even ready for this thing so that was why he was panicked.

The elder rubbed his forehead in frustration. "You need to figure that out by yourself okay?"

The two was startled by the notification sound from Sehun's cellphone and it was a reply from Kai which Sehun really hoped he would not think of how weird he was.

From: Kim Kai

Sure! I would love to, so see you tonight ;)

Sehun was going to freak out after seeing the reply he got. He did not expect for Kai to reply it like this.

The way he replied could already make Sehun flushed. It was just a text from him but he could feel his heart racing wildly.

"Look, I told you he will agree with it," Chanyeol exclaimed as he was smiling in satisfication. "Now, you should go home and prepare yourself," he started to push the younger away.

"It's still early to go home and what do I need to prepare?!," Sehun snapped with his reddened face. He was extremely nervous right now.

What was going to do with just the two of them? It would be really awkward.

Chanyeol smirked devilishly. "Just take your time later okay, Taeyong can sleep over at my house for tonight," he said. "If you need help to find any places to sleep, just call me," he continued and began walking away.

Sehun arched his eyebrows in confusion for a few while to understand what Chanyeol was talking about and as he understood it right away, his face was even more red than before.

"We will not do anything okay!," after saying that he stomped away and left the elder to be laughing by himself.

Chanyeol shook his head as he wiped away the tears that came out from his eyes. He took out his own cellphone and began texting, he needed to tell Baekhyun about this.

Looked like their plan succeed.

There was no way they would be doing anything like that.


Heyyy! Hope you like and enjoy the chapter! ❤💕💖

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR BELOVED OH SEHUN! 💗🎉 wishing you a happier year and keep on doing what makes you happy. Always be happy and wonderful, Sehun. Being your fans until now is really something that I will never regret of and I will continue to love and support you as much as i can♡ No matter what people say or talk about you, you are one of the reason that can make my mood and days become better. You are wonderful and magnificent just the way you are, baby. I LOVE YOUUU, OH SEHUN! 💖

#GoldenSehunDay #HappySehunDay

#GoldenSehunDay #HappySehunDay

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Fate ¦| [KAIHUN]✓[COMPLETED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora