Zelda then came closer to Link, grabbing his hair harshly and glaring, "don't act like you don't know who I'm talking about, Link, you know exactly who I'm talking about." She let go of his hair and he swallowed thickly adjusting himself.

"Wh-What about him?"

Zelda curled her fists inwards and stood by the door, but she didn't face him. Instead she slightly turned her head, giving a side view to Link. "He tells me that you have no intention to see me after all the damage I've caused you," she began, gripping at the door handle. "Perhaps you've spent too much time with him which made you think you don't want to see me, when really he's the one you should be avoiding."

She left after that without another word, and Link sat in his bed, still naked and dumbfounded. He couldn't just not see Ghirahim, she wasn't the boss of him! It's not like she was the Goddess Hylia or anything, so why should he follow her rules?

(( yall see what i did there lololol ))

He grabbed a fresh pair of undergarments and his tunic, wrapping his towel around his waist and made his way to the bathroom upstairs.

"Tch, as if she could stop me from seeing Ghirahim," he muttered to himself, smirking as he began to fill up the bath with water, adding bubble bath to it too. "I'm gonna have this bath and then leave."


Zelda sat in the study room, still waiting for Link in her hand stitched pink dress she wore for most of her time in Skyloft. Fledge, Groose, Strich and Cawlin all sat in there too, but they all remained in silence.

She rested her hands in her lap, watching the others all sit there awkwardly with one another like they were also waiting for Link. Well, they weren't actually waiting for Link specifically, they were waiting for him so they could begin what Zelda had planned for them.

Unfortunately for them, they wouldn't be startling it at all.

Upstairs in the bathroom, Link had finished up and dried himself quickly, putting on his green cap without cares for it getting wet from his still damp hair. Anyway however, he checked he had his pouch with him and exited the bathroom, sighing with relief when he saw that no one was there upstairs. Now knowing the coast was clear, he dashed outside the doors and ran up towards to Goddess Statue, deciding to call for his loftwing after jumping off one of the ledges there.

That way, he'd escape with ease without any interruptions. Sure, he had Fi with him inside of the Goddess Sword, but she's chosen to not bother Link anymore as now he basically lives his own life. Really, he doesn't even need her as his companion anymore see as he isn't actually on a quest.

"Alright, where is he?" Link said to himself, debating whether to head to Faron, Eldin or Lanayru in search of Ghirahim.

As for the others who were waiting for Link, they all became impatient very quickly. Groose was so bored he went to read a book, something he would never do normally.

"Should I go check on him?" Fledge asked, breaking the awkward silence between them all.

Zelda glanced up at him, seeing he was already standing up. She sighed, "yeah, go on then." The innocent student nodded and made his way upstairs to the bathroom, breathing deeply as he readied himself to knock on the door. Knowing Link, he gets random anger waves sometimes, especially when he's disturbed, so that is why he prepared himself.

His hand curled into a fist, and he was about to knock when he saw that the door was slightly open.

Weird, Link never leaves his doors open.. ever!

The training student called for Link, earning no response, so he chose to creak open the door and peek inside, begging he wouldn't see a naked Link.

Fallen for the wrong one (Link x Ghirahim)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora