oh my, um...

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heehee i like this story alot

and ive started playing skyward sword again so i can now fantasise about link x ghirahim whilst im playing the game yayyyy

enjoy :D



Link woke up in shock, naked and confused. He breathed heavily and sat up, noticing that Ghirahim's red cloak was over his crotch. He then looked up at the door, seeing that Groose was standing there at his bedroom door, a face of disgust written on him.

"What are you doing in here Groose? Shouldn't you be asleep?" Link asked, realising he was still naked. The bully of the academy adjusted his pompadour and raised an eyebrow.

"You're asking me why I should be asleep? Says the one who's literally naked with some random robe over themselves. Oh, who also looks like they've been sweating loads," Groose replied, folding his arms and turning away. Link wiped his forehead and felt some loose strands of hair still matted to it; he also pulled up his duvet over himself and chucked Ghirahim's cloak onto the floor.

He couldn't think of a response, biting his lip worriedly. "I-I get night sweats, so I had to take off my clothes."

The red haired faced him once and took one glimpse at Link which said: 'please believe me'.

"This is why no one would want to sleep with you Link if you get night sweats. You should really get that sorted out," he said, his expression still disgusted.

The blond then interrupted, "any particular reason why you came into my room in the first place?" He swallowed and sat up again, making sure his duvet still covered his private parts.

"Oh, it's because Fledge heard you making weird noises and came to my room to ask if I could shut you up, but by the time I was here you had passed out," the red haired answered. "I'm gonna guess that those weird noises come from your night sweats?"

Link blushed, knowing the exact weird noises Fledge meant. Thankfully though he was innocent enough to not know what kind of noises they were.


"Anyway, I'm going back to bed seen as I don't need to be here anymore, night." He gave Link no time to reply as he already left his room and presumably made his way back into his own. As for Link on the other hand, he now was aware of what happened before he passed out.

Well, that could've been worse.

He shook off the thoughts and decided to sleep, knowing full well that if he was to see Ghirahim tomorrow it would be slightly awkward after what had just happened.


Tomorrow arrived quickly, Link waking up properly this time. He pressed his hand against his forehead again, knowing he needed to cleanse himself after what occurred not long ago.

"Morning sleepyhead! Time for you to get up because we've got a busy day ahead of us! So no running off with strangers today on the surface!" He heard a female voice shout after bursting into his room. He rubbed his eyes weakly and saw the same blonde girl again, Zelda, thankfully not feeling an aching pain in his chest for once.

Does this mean I'm over her? Surely I confirmed it last night...

Shaking off the thoughts once again, he gave another glance at her as she stood proudly in his room, already dressed and ready to go out.

"What do you mean strangers? I simply go to the surface just for some different fresh air," Link said, running a hand through his dirty blond locks, knowing he needed to wash it.

Fallen for the wrong one (Link x Ghirahim)Where stories live. Discover now